Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hello Sunday, Goodbye home.

I was sitting at my computer when someone knocked on the door. It was a man who wanted to hand me papers. I took the papers and called my loan processor and got the name of the person on the phone. I then gave the name to the person at my door.

It seems like I am starting in the middle of a story; but, not really. For the past year I have been unable to pay my mortgage. I was unable to because my wages were garnished in the divorce.

My old loan was processed by Citibank. In October I was notified that it was being sent to IBM Business Solutions. I knew something was going on. I had worked with Citi and listed my house for a short sale. In all that time no offers were made. I had mailed over 50 pages of paper to Citi.

The mortgage companies do not want to foreclose, they would rather renegotiate loans but they were not sure which ones to renegotiate. Nothing to renegotiate with me because of the divorce.

Please dear readers know that I am in no way upset by all of this. I am trying to let you know that now is the time where people will be forced to choose. The options are foreclosure or modified loan. We anticipated that something would happen this month, that is why the loan was transferred.

For a year Citibank didn't call, send much paper or in any way seem to want to foreclose. I found it odd. I have heard of people not paying their mortgage for a year and a half. IBM, I believe, was given the loans to be foreclosed on and they got mine.

December is going to be a tough month for a lot of people. Unemployment checks stop for two million people and the real foreclosures have begun. It is sort of freeing for me. I had wanted to sell the house before the divorce when the market was good.

I never imagined I would be relieved to be in foreclosure. I never imagined I would get divorced. Lots of things I never imagined. I am ready to move on. Be well and have a great day.

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