Friday, November 26, 2010

News to follow

Lots of things going on at once. Firstly, the euro is in danger of collapsing. On the heals of this Russia and China announced they were going off the dollar. Now Russia is seeking to gain entry into the European Union. Never thought I would see that happen. Oh yeah and the US and EU are talking about building a missile shield over Europe. How do these things fit together?

In the game of international politics who is playing who and to what end is never completely clear. What is clear is that Russia is attempting to play both sides by setting agreements with China and the EU.

The United States is the last true superpower. Well we were. We are losing that. China will not replace us in that manner because they don't have the ability to extend themselves worldwide militarily and neither does Russia. Their fear is that we will use our military power to take over countries and control the material wealth, the minerals and oil. Like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The world is repositioning itself. New alliances are being forged for the future competition of economies. There are calls in England to break away from the EU and in Ireland. Imagine this scenario. Group one is England, Ireland, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Greenland and Iceland. Group two is the EU and Russia. Group three is China, Iran and India. These three groups would then be competing for influence over Africa and South America.

Nothing has been decided yet, that is clear. On top of this consider the fact that a failed Euro or failed dollar will constructively stop international trade. In order to have international trade there must be agreement on a trading device, a currency.

In Ireland, England and Greece new "austerity" measures are being implemented that will make the majority of their people live under third world conditions. It is coming here next. Actually it is here. Unemployment benefits are ending for millions of people and the foreclosure tsunami has just begun.

So how are Americans dealing with these issues, by ignoring them and going shopping. It's Black Friday and time to shop. Yeah.

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