Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years - Lets Get Hammered

Just kidding, I don't get hammered on New Years. I barely celebrate it at all. This year I will spend it at home with a couple of friends. We will probably listen to music and joke around.

Next year is going to be worse than this year for most people. Unemployment checks running out and houses in foreclosure. More business failures to be sure. Still, there is always opportunity.

For me next year is a year of promise. I don't know exactly what will happen but I do believe I will be in a better place. After I move into my new apartment I will have less to deal with, fewer bills and more peace and quiet. Less travel time which gives me four extra hours a day to do things that I want to do. With more free time I intend to begin dating again. Wish me luck with that.

In some ways I feel as if I will be on my own for the first time in my life. Let me put that another way. I won't be responsible for everyone around me, my time will be my own. I can barely comprehend it. I will have time for leisure and ease. I won't have any money but that never really mattered, I could use some peace.

Another interruption. Had to step away for a moment, lost my choo choo.

To all of my readers I wish a Happy New Year. I also ask all of you to refrain from drinking and driving. Use a taxi, walk, have a designated driver or stay where you party, don't drink and drive. I would hate to have fewer readers because they killed themselves by drinking and driving, I would rather you stop reading because I am boring.

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