Monday, December 27, 2010

Probably nothing to post

Sorry all. It has been cold where I live and I had the heater on. Problem is that I have a very small sinus passage and suffer from allergies. As a consequence, on occasion my sinuses block up and drain into my stomach. The result is that I end up expelling all of the goo out of my stomach. It happened in my sleep last night and I have been drained all day.

These little episodes can leave me drained and this one did. My solution was to rest and drink two large bottles of Perrier with lime. My achievement for the day was to wash all of my blankets and sheets. Success.

Some days are harder than others and the best we can achieve may be the smallest activity. That is okay. I do try to take the days as they come. One day at a time can be achievement sometimes. One minute at at time is even more important.

Pain is a fascinating thing. When I was a child I used to suffer from Cluster Headaches. Often they lasted for days or a week, the worst part was that I got them monthly and lived knowing they would return. I would just wait for the pain to come and try to manage it as best I could. At the time there were no pain killers that worked with these types of headaches.

We are told that pain is our bodies way of knowing that we are doing something detrimental to it. That is fine as far as it goes; but, what about pain that is not caused by anything we are intentionally doing?

In my case the headaches helped me to overcome certain challenges. I learned to be productive while still in pain. The headaches usually ended with me getting sick from the nausea. People who see me get nauseous are sometimes surprised by how I take it. I throw up, rest for a second and go back to what I was doing usually.

Another nice thing about growing up with cluster headaches is that you know they are unavoidable. Doesn't matter what you do, these suckers are coming and you will be in extreme pain. By the way they ended when I was about 30 and have not returned. Growing up knowing that you are going to be in pain gives you a certain perspective to problems. You cant run away from them so you try to deal with them as best you can.

I much prefer nausea over cluster headaches. When a cluster headache would finally make me sick to my stomach I saw it as a good sign, it meant the headache was going to end soon. The gripping pain would begin to relax after I got sick to my stomach and then the euphoria would begin. The absence of pain is the greatest feeling in the world.

I read something today by an atheist. He said that there cannot be a God because there is pain in the world. Another one of those who believe God means no growth and just comfort. To me, life seems more about overcoming difficulties and becoming ourselves.

One of my daughters asked me today if I had any aspirin. I had to remind her that I had not had any in two years. If I have a headache it won't be as bad as the clusters were and I wont take anything for it. I don't take any pills anymore, not even for allergies.

Well see if any of this had any value and be well.

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