Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa and the New World Order

Come on, I come up with some good titles. LOL.

It is Christmas Eve and I am enjoying a lovely pork chop in my bedroom while listening to some music. I wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas and if they do not celebrate such a thing I wish them a great day.

This will be a short post; but, I hope you like the question. In the Book of Revelations it talks about a one world government being in the last days. Here is my question, how could they even conceive of such a thing? I hope you understand that 2000 years ago the Romans were still fighting with tribes in Africa and Europe. The person that wrote Revelations didn't even have any idea of how big the world was or how to communicate with people in other places that had yet to be discovered.

Maybe I have not explained myself well enough. I have had people attempt to tell me that Revelations was talking about Nero as the anti-christ. I have to point out that they are imbeciles because everyone did not have a mark and the writer would have known that.

Revelations was written at a time when each year people learned of new peoples. Revelations also speaks about every nation knowing about Jesus at a time when the writer knew that he did not even know how many nations there were as more were being discovered. Am I the only person who finds this odd?

It would be like me telling you that someday we will have a one universe government, we haven't even met any aliens yet. Having said that, here we are with a United Nations and International Maritime Law. Hey, that guy was a good guesser.

Now I will show another possibility. Revelations says that everyone will need a mark to buy and sell. It did not say we would have only one currency. Hmmmmmm. There is a lot of talk about having a one world reserve currency in the news; but, it says that all who buy and sell will need to receive a mark, it didn't say have one currency or any currency at all.

For any faithful readers, I wrote a story in bits and pieces at the ends of posts. I was a Christmas story. It ended with me on a plane. LMAO. Merry Christmas.

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