Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Soon My Pretties

I finally got someone assigned to my mortgage case. I had to give up the day to do it so I didn't have much time to read the news. I did find this one article interesting.

HIV cured by babies stem cells. I am not going to discuss the merits of homosexuality or stem cell use, I want to ask something else. The dilemma.

Lets say you are a gay man with AIDS who is a Christian, would you take the stem cells knowing that a baby was killed so that you could have them? Now, lets say you are a gay man with AIDS who is an atheist; but, you don't believe in abortion of killing anything, a total vegan. Would you take the stem cells?

We define ourselves by our choices.


Anonymous said...

What if you were a woman whose unfaithful husband "brought it home"?

What if you were a child who was born with HIV?

It made me sad to see the gay man stereotype here. I thought you were better informed than that, Pimpernel.

Pimpernel said...

I am more than aware of who can get Aids. I know young men who have it. The point is not about being gay, it is about what you would do to cure it.

In the United States the vast majority with Aids are gay men. In Africa it is straight men. If you consider the question I am asking you will see it is not about a stereotype.

I was thinking of the people I know who have Aids. I don't know any straight people with it and I don't know any children with it. I do know young gay men who have it.

I think of myself, my ex gave me Herpes, it could have been worse, it could have been Aids. I wouldn't take the stem cells if I had it. When I found out I had herpes I had myself checked for Aids.

I did not use a stereotype, I used an example of those who will be the most common to have to ask themselves the question.

One of my children had many gay friends. I have spent hundreds of hours in conversation with them. At least one of them reads this blog and that is a fact.

I have sat across from a young man who told me how he had Aids. He was scares as I would have been. I have sat across from a couple of them who were waiting to find out. I have hoped for a cure; but, not one that forces them to make such a decision. That was my point.

Anonymous said...


Research a little further, Pimpernel. It's called Google. These were not aborted embryo stem cells.

Pimpernel said...

I did not say aborted, I said killed. They were growing and we stopped the growth. We stole from another life. Read "Brave New World".

Research and words are fun, what was the consequence? I lived because another died. Don't believe the truth wont come out.