Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bye Bye To My Stuff

Well it took two tries; but, the rest of my stuff that is not coming with me just left for Nevada. I wonder if I will see it again. I didn't even bother looking through it, I can only take with me what I can take. If it all burns down I won't care.

Time to move on; but, it keeps getting delayed. Oh well, these things happen. Disassembling a life is more severe; but, quicker than creating one. It will soon be time for me to lock the doors and shut off the lights as I will be the last one out the door.

If you look around at the world you see too many people grasping to keep what they had of a failed system. For the past two decades everybody wanted to be the boss, everybody felt entitled to that which they did not earn. Easy money and rewards for corruption, that is going to be some hard drugs to get off of. Never had it so I don't even care. I prefer a simple apartment and honest earnings.

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