Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Cloud is so Beautiful

In the computer world there is a lot of talk going on about "the cloud". So what is "the cloud"? People I ask say that it means your data and programs reside on the internet rather than on your computer, that allows for tablet computers. But,http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif the software actually exists somewhere, it resides on the internet. Do you remember me explaining that the "internet" is 13 US government owned computers as the backbone?

In other words, your information will be stored in a system that is controlled by the government. It will indeed, everything transmitted goes through those sixteen. Your computer will be nothing more than a fancy browser, that is it. You will love it because you wont have to upgrade your computer as often. Lots of money will be saved because you wont have to buy expensive hardware.

We are being sold on the cloud in business already. Here is a nice article.clouds in the air

Software update on my computer today and it is messing with how I use blogger. Anyways, when the change comes (and ever since Windows Vista, your computer is already virtualized), you won't even notice the difference, it will look the same on your little tablet. What it means is that you will not be able to compute except when connected to the web. If the net goes down you wont be a be able to use your computer for anything.

This cloud could bring some pretty big thunderstorms if it goes down. It will shut down businesses. It will shut down just about everything. Considering what happened in Japan, is this really a good idea? It is not if, it is when will the net go down, not even why.

Look, the Japanese have had tsunamis and earthquakes for a very long, yet, they built the power plant next to the sea. Well, shouldn't they have made it tsunami proof? Why didn't they? Because they needed to be next to water or it would cost a lot more to move it inward. An idea can sound find and be pulled off with cost saving methods and that is the choice people usually make. The reliance on the internet is the same thing.

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