Monday, June 20, 2011

A New Movie and Lots of Questions

There is a new movie making the independent circuit, it is called "Wake Up". The documentary claims to be the true tale of a person who claims to be able to see spirits, angels and demons. This is the official website of the movie.

There is quite a lot of talk about a coming "awakening" and I have mentioned some of the talk in the past. Let us assume for a minute that the film is a true account of one man's life. Would you want to interact with spirits in this world? When people take DMT, they claim to be consciously shifted to another dimension and then interact with spirit beings. They then return to this reality, the guy in the movie sees them interacting with humans in this reality.

Who the heck would want to interact with demons? Why would you want to do such a thing, the guy in the movie (at least from the trailer) doesn't say he wants to. He says that he was told that his mission is to explain this other world to people, to prepare them for experiencing it here perhaps?

The current state of discussion regarding the "awakening" is that you are to look only at your emotions and feel the answer because your logic can fool you. Huh? It seeks to attack science and religion and becomes a religion of you, finding your divinity. I hate to break it to people; but, you are not divine, you are imperfect and so am I. The truth may be inside you to find; but, you are not the truth and neither am I, we are only parts of a totality.

The central part of this new religion is to return to oneness, to undue creation. To go back to the beginning of consciousness. If you listen to what it's proponents say then you will see this to be the truth. Sounds pretty good too, doesn't it, no need to learn or grow, laziness is rewarded by your becoming God; but, there is a catch. You have to be reactive rather than exercise your free will.

Just as with Transhumanism, you don't have to have wisdom or learn to be a better person, just follow the rules and we will tell you what they are. People are being by others telling them to stop being sheep; but, most people are sheep and a sheep in wolf's clothing is as bad as a wolf in sheep's clothing. It is still a lie. People assume that if they find out that there is a "New World Order" that they have woken up or even understand what it means, they don't.

In the United States and in other democracies, we stopped voting for our betters and began voting for liars. We were given the chance to decide things for ourselves and decided to vote for worse and worse scum bags because they promised us cookies. They reach out to our biases and greed and we vote for them. We vote for the sheep to get a bigger piece of the pie and then cry when the wolves take the pie for themselves.

Jesus told others to be good slaves. I say be good sheep. I am not impressed by the tea party politicians because they are still just promising cookies rather than morality. Secular morality that allows for religious tolerance. Yes, I am a Christian; but, I believe in free will and self determination. If people wish to "wake up", they had better wake up to the fact that they need to take responsibility for their actions and stop looking to scapegoat the wolves.

There is a new loan program for people who are UNEMPLOYED that will loan them up to $50,000 to stay in their homes for the next two years even if they don't use it to pay for their mortgage. I cannot find the article; but, here is one that focuses on part of the program.

As many people as possible will take the cookie; but, they don't deserve it. Heck, I would probably qualify and could have my home back and $50,000 (by the way, you don't necessarily have to pay the loan back, it can turn into a grant). I was divorced, my wages were garnished and I couldn't pay my mortgage so I gave the home back to Fannie Mae. I don't want nor would I accept a free cookie except from a loved one with no strings attached.

How do you know if you are a sheep, you take free cookies, cookies you did not earn and they always have strings attached, you ignore the string for the cookie. Wolves and other predators don't want free cookies, they enjoy the hunt. Scavengers eat off of the corpses of those killed by predators. As a sheepdog, I have the most respect for predators so long as they play by the rules and stick to the worst sheep that hold back the herd. At least predators make some effort.

Hmmm, that may sound harsh. It is. I think we should seek to move up the food chain, up the evolutionary ladder by effort and not by technology or genetic therapy, cheats and shortcuts. Remember that sheepdogs, all dogs, started as wolves and learned to restrain themselves. Imagine that, that a predator became today's modern sheepdog. How does that happen?

You see we can evolve, not just wolves, sheep can evolve also; but, it means taking on new rules and learning more, not learning less. As we individually evolve, we as a universe evolve. A new limit is reached, adjusted to and learned from. Each part does as it's part that it can at any moment. Kind of metaphysical isn't it?

You have to admit that not many writers can go from loans to the unemployed to our spiritual possibilities as a transition. Throw a dog a bone, good transition or what?


Anonymous said...

their are no shortcuts. period.
shortcuts dont exist, they only exist when their is a long way to compare them too.
what if, their is a long way, and a short way. then you find a way thats even shorter than the short way? does this make the previouse short way a long way?
what happens if you find a longer way then the long way? does this make the first long way a short cut?
oneness is simply being at one with yourself. it means having no division in yourself. it means, your heart and head move as one. hesitation happens when the heart and head go in two directions. fear, happens when the heart and head go in two directions. uncertainty, etc.
thinking and feeling should act as one. in the populance they usually dont, and in most, the heart rules, the head is the follower. everyone desires the cookie, even if they "know" they shouldnt. < division of heart and head. with feeling dominance.
what people believe and what they "know" are often two very different things. people believe all kinds of nonsense, people "know" very little, they dont care to know, they dont want to be exposed to the rawness of reality.
man is imperfect, but is man more than an animal? is man and mammal born with the same potential?

Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like

Anonymous said...

the angels in heaven. 31 But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”

i love the tantrics and aghoris, the true ones. as they did not worship anything in truth. they are phycho-physiological scientists. they aimed to peak the potential of the soul "mind and feelings" and body. soul,body, and life force sustaining both.they believe in the almighty. their images were simply symbolic representations of qualities on which to contemplate. for instance, time and space.

everyone strives to believe as if believing is somthing hard. HA!
few strive to know. what if we were left alone? what if we are expected to overcome. what if the almighty had high expectations of us.
" i will watch over you, help you when its truly needed, but i expect you to learn on your own, your capable of it"
you cannot learn in school, if the teacher does all your home work.
you cannot grow, if everything is done for you. man has the expectation everything should be done for him, humanity is spoiled, we are brats. self regulation is much greater than being told what to do. and still, we are givin the guidlines. the outline. to talk, is much easyer than to do. the man who walks away from god, will not be left by god. but will not be helped untill he turns around. you yourself must turn around.
we cannot even understand the speech of animals, how low have we fallen?
we are not perfect, but that is not an excuse. jesus may have been perfect, we idolize perfection. but we are not to idolize. for he was in the flesh. and paved the path to be taken by all. why would the path he paved be different than the one he took? everyone says christ died on the cross, but he did not, why do we see this as a sad thing? he paved the path, was already on the path before his "death" and was still on it after. so he either paved a different path than he took, or he simply showed people the way.
if you teach someone to analyze the world, do you teach them how to analyze like you do? or do you teach them a completly different way?
this is a belief, it is not known. but belief will not save you. the path was paved, the path will save you, but you must walk it.
their is only one god. their is only closness to god, and distance from him. some things bring you close, some things cause distance.
I breath, i do not do it as much as i should. but am starting too. i tried to drag others upon the path. plus support them. carry a rock while i pull and ox that didnt want to be pulled. am putting down the rock, and letting go of the ox. the ox may follow if it wished. but how can i truly show people if i have not gone the distance? will run down the path now, and let the oxes follow if they wish. learn the way, know the truth. become the way, become the truth, and you shall be life. and the life shall never leave your soul.
everyone hears, nobody listins.
everyone believes, nobody knows.
everyone wants, nobody has.

Anonymous said...

the way is known, must simply listin to what is known. cannot help others untill self is in condition to help.
the body is the temple, do not reject it. not even christ did, he transformed it, but did not leave it. the breath ties the soul,the body, and the life together. we breath at a minimum. we breath just enough, "just enough" to sustain the life. when you hyperventalate and pass out, where do you go? suffer seperation of the 3, or unite the 3 wholy together. either way, you will not be the same as this animal state we reside in now. are humans simply beasts or more? where are we in comparison to the trees, the bugs, the animals, the angels. what is our potential under the sun. only those who are their know it, those who are not, simply believe like sheep. the sheep must define in order to have higher relationship and be their. if they do not define, they are simply meat for the slaughter. believers believing in the unknown like the rest. do not believe in the unknown, only believe in the known. only believe in known truth. or! this is simply rambling. :P ^_^
practise makes perfect :D
their is a balance, and a counter balance. and the whole that contains the balance, and the counter balance. that is magic of 5. that is the yang yin symbols teaching. one of them : P

Pimpernel said...

Dear Anonymous,

This is why I allow anonymous answers, never know what you are going to get. We all see aspects of the truth and each of us has our unique understanding and experience.

A new day, a new dawn.

Anonymous said...

:P :)