Monday, June 13, 2011

This thing again

This posting thing, soon I will be done with it. Coming up with something new to say everyday is beginning to be more of a burden. Sorry, but it is. For those who have followed this blog for a long time, I apologize that it will not last much longer and am really pleased that anyone appreciated it.

One of the finest young men I have ever known in my life did quite well by me today. He brought me clothes because I haven't been sufficiently keeping up on my wardrobe. His lovely wife even bought me underwear. I think I had better start taking care of myself a little bit better. My friends were there when I needed them and I don't want them thinking that I am not back, I just never really cared about how I presented myself enough. I will take care of myself better. I have to add that he is not the only one that tried to get me to take more concern over my appearance. I must be pretty shabby when friends offer to buy me clothes, I am not that broke, just that stupid.

To my dear friends, you little Pimpernel is the happiest he has ever been in his life. I am so very comfortable in my skin. I am so very comfortable in my environment and in my life. My dear friends gift of his used clothes is better than what I have bought for myself, that is a pretty sad statement about my taking care of myself. I will do better. His wife is so very smart and concerned about me that I feel great shame for having caused her any concern. I am convicted of not taking of myself enough. I do enough to get by and I can do better and will. I will take just enough care of myself to not concern my friends or family, more than that is a waste of time, narcissism and I don't have time for that, autistic you know. LOL.

To all my readers, there is never a reason to worry about Pimpernel, I have been there and back, quite better you know. Just know that I am too blessed for words to explain. I am starting from ground zero again, choosing my priorities, self care is one of them, I will do well enough. Be well all.

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