Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Budget

Apparently a deal has been reached regarding the budget and the debt ceiling. So we have all these people calling for limits on spending because nobody will lend us the money anymore as we have borrowed more than we can pay back. We then have people complaining that we will have to have cuts in service. Yes, people will not work for free. One proposed solution is a bill in congress that would require everyone to work for the government in some capacity (community service) so that we can get people to work for almost nothing.

I will work this backwards. Firstly, I work in government and the last thing I need is a bunch of people who are forced to be there, like that is going to improve service delivery. Compelling people to work is wrong, allowing people to work is good. What kind of workers will you get by forcing some videogame addict to be productive when he is getting paid practically nothing?

The proposed solution to our debt is to borrow some more; but, slow down on how much we borrow. It is not possible to borrow one's way out of debt. What if we had a debt ceiling of zero, that could work. You don't get to borrow anymore money until you have paid off the debt that you have. Wow, what a concept.

Politics is nothing more than the decision making process used to allocate limited resources where there is unlimited need. In other words, with more money we can always find a new need to meet; but, we have limited resources. Borrowing money does not increase the amount of resources available it just makes our children pay for the services that we are getting now. Sorry, got distracted on the net. Be well.

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