Sunday, July 10, 2011

People Can Be Lovely

Tomorrow I go back to work. There is so much to do and so few willing to do anything. I am fortunate that the people who work with me actually care to keep things moving, it makes my life so much easier.

I am very fortunate in the people who are around me. I went to the store today and a young women, who I believe to be gay, was so nice to me. She went out of her way to welcome me, she is always pleasant. She has such a positive attitude. She went out of her way to shake my hand and touch me, how wonderful is that? She is very genuine and always kind and gentle. She is sort of butch and I bet not all straight people are that way with her, that is very saddening. It makes me sad to think that she is not given the love that she gives.

Imagine how it feels for me to go to stores and shops and be treated as if I matter. Imagine if you lived that, if clerks looked forward to your coming into their store or restaurant or bar, what does it matter where? It is very easy to achieve this, be nice and care about the people that you effect. Care about everyone you touch.

This post did not come off the way I wanted because I was distracted for two hours. I am therefore changing the end to be more reflective of my thought. You can be strong and confident and still treat people as if they matter. If you do that then they will often treat you as if you matter and isn't that what it is all about, treating each other as if we all matter?

I spoke to a lady today about the world of dating. She mentioned that she considered how men tipped and treated those who served them at restaurants, it says a lot about a person. How a person treats those around them that are paid to assist them says as much about them as how they treat their loved ones.

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