Monday, July 4, 2011

Sex With Children

A 51 year old actor from the series "Lost" recently wed a 16 year old girl, with her parents permission. Everyday we hear of a new female teacher that had sex wish some young boy. If two 14 year olds have sex, we don't want either to go to jail. How do we reconcile these beliefs.

How bout this, if the older person truly loved the younger person, they would wait till the younger one was old enough to make an informed decision, not one based on urges. It is not about sex, it is about understanding. For all the sex being had by minors, they don't understand relationship and that is what is at the heart of the joyous sharing of one's body.

We focus on the act, on the wrong thing and miss the real point, the sharing of life, of mutual joy. We ignore true sharing and focus on selfish experience. If we focus on sharing than all is joy and sex is a joyous expression of sharing. Be well.

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