Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Lost a Follower

Hello all. One of the "followers" of this blog has left or at least is no longer a "follower". Readership is actually up; but, it seems to be coming from searches more now. I find that odd. Let me explain, the blog is pretty much my take on things; but, the things are usually in the news.

A Musical Interlude

Eric Clapton - Youtube - Wonderful Tonight

The Association - Youtube - Never My Love

No, I am not cheating the post, I have something else in mind. A friend of mine mentioned a preacher who I did not know of. The preachers name was E.V. Hill and Time magazine once listed him among the seven most influential preachers of his day. He told me that Mr. Hill's wife had passes away and that Mr. Hill's eulogy was pretty famous. I listened to it today and it is pretty impressive.

Dr. E.V. Hill Preaching His Wife's Funeral part 1

Dr. E.V. Hill Preaching His Wife's Funeral part 2

If you only listen to a bit of it, listen to Part II, he tells a few stories about his wife, you really need to hear the one about when he woke up very early in the morning to find that his wife was gone along with the car. 3 minutes and 8 seconds into Part II is the story you really need to hear; but, I recommend that you take the few minutes needed to hear the whole thing.

Oh, I guess I should figure out what my point is. It is about partners, specifically female partners and how they can strengthen a man or be a hindrance to success. Dr. Hill did a particularly good job of explaining it about his deceased love. She loved him as much as she loved her own flesh. That is one heck of a partner, we don't see that too much anymore and I fear that we have stopped looking for it.

By the way men, we don't see too many real men anymore either. A real man gives up all he has to care for his family. Dr. Hill's wife believed in what he was doing as much as he did and she was down for the ride. She was so committed to what he was doing that she would rather die than see his work end. She must have really trusted him, you don't do that if you think your husband is a louse unless unless to.

To truly be in union a couple must truly believe in the goal, their goal for life. Do you look for that in another or merely happiness? Do you look for a single purpose rather than two purposes that compliment one another? Union or agreement in a partner.

Bobby Darin - YouTube - If I Were a Carpenter

When the Bobby Darin song, If I were a Carpenter, came out I was in elementary school, he died not long after that song came out. I really liked the song and he was the first person whose death I really understood, I mean that it was the end here on earth of hearing or seeing again, it was when I understood what gone meant.

Well, when I got to Junior High I had a class in Music Appreciation, the teacher was a feminist and played us the song and explained how line by line the song was Chauvinistic and evil. She explained how the woman was basically a slave to the man, she didn't see working together for a common goal with each providing a different skill and ability.

Obviously, Dr. Hill's eulogy for his wife brought this up. Let me put up a question, lets say that you were married to someone who had the same goal, same purpose in life, how could you ever be separate? How could you be at odds with someone who wants the same thing as you, the same purpose, the work?

What do you ask when you are on a date? Do you ask what the other persons purpose in life is? I do. Well, I did, I am not dating currently. Still looking for what how I want to now fulfill my purpose in life, it hasn't changed but my situation has. Now I have to figure out how to get there on my own.

Perhaps another will join me on this journey that seeks the same outcome, the same purpose and the same goal. We shall see, I have my own opinion on the matter.

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