Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear Readers

My least popular posts are always about religion. I intend to create a new blog soon, it will be for the people I talk to about religion and this one will just sit as it is. My biggest reason for leaving it is because of Pastor Carol Daniels. The pension stuff will all come out, I wasn't needed for that, just prodding.

I do not have the time nor energy to keep up two blogs at once and I will not give a pointer to the new one nor even mention it's name. The name shall be new and e-mail address shall be new. There will be no connection between the two and the new one will only be for people who have attended my services.

I have really appreciated the opportunity to discuss such a wide range of topics. I do hope that people have learned to look just a little bit deeper into everything that they are told. I have been moved in my heart regarding some comments and e-mails about this blog. I love writing; but, I have a second job now and it is important that I put my efforts there. I want to thank everyone who has followed this from the beginning, I wish to thank a special lady who was one of the first and has sent me many e-mails. Always happy to correspond with a lady and I love the name Barbara (a junior high crush on a teacher, lol).

My life has not made a lot of sense to me. The world is a bizarre and often annoying place; but, people matter. I have one or two more posts left in me; but, when I say it is done, it will be.

Last week, I began my sermon by asking people why they were there. This week, if anyone comes back, I will ask why they returned. It is a good question, what keeps us away from God and from talking about him?

I shall post again, we shall end this blog on a high note. In the meantime a song, something by Elton John.

Elton John, Love Lies Bleeding - Funeral for a Friend.

This song always makes me think about my best friend who blew his brains out in the last year of High School, just before I moved. So many good times and so much humor and so much pain. Life.

I will never get over his death, not during this life. I know his favorite car, I know his favorite movies, we used to watch them together, he is always in my heart. I knew since sixth grade and it hurts to this day, that is one of the reasons that I absolutely do not believe in suicide or taking LSD, he did both and I refuse to do either. If you are ever told that I committed suicide, know it is a lie.

They say the new normal is constant change, I am good with that, lets see who can hold on the longest. The sheep and predators all tire long before the sheepdog. Aarph, aarph. LOL.

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