Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Learned a Lesson Today

For a number of reasons, half of the people who had planned to attend our service today were unable to come. It was a good thing because I needed to learn a lesson. I needed to commit myself and I hadn't, I was reluctant and I need to be committed 100%.

A young man came in who we did not know. He stayed longer than he should have because he had a prior engagement. For some reason he just decided to come in and listen (he had been in the room next door). I had said that if just one person came then I would come. I never want to walk into an empty room, I always want their to be two or more.

Today was the day that I thought of Pastor Carol Daniels. I thought about how she did just that, came in not knowing if anyone else would come. I cannot compare my talking to a few people to her lifelong commitment; but, if she could drive as far as she did on the chance that someone might come then I guess I can do the same and I don't have to drive far.

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