Friday, September 9, 2011

Lets talk Jobs and problems

So what are the biggest problems in the United States. To me the number one is a lack of commitment to one another, it is from that that all the others happen. We cannot make anything work if we are not committed to each other and the goals.

We have gone from being about each other to being about ourselves and momentary pleasure, to having an advantage over others and prosperity (whatever that may mean to the individual). That is what led to the fraud, corruption and shoddy approach to work.

The housing problem is not that we are not selling houses, it is not the value of the houses, it is not that we are not building houses, it is that people cannot afford the houses we have. There are only two ways to deal with that problem, give people bigger paychecks or bring down the price of the houses. It is unlikely that we are going to see people make more, we don't have anything to sell overseas.

What is the problem in the job market, our labor is too expensive and industry was too focused on high returns rather than steady and fair returns. It was also severely warped by basing the value of a company on the value of it's stock rather than it's product. The solution is also simple, we cannot insist upon being better paid than people in other countries making the same product and that includes management. CEO's should not be paid based on the value of the stock; but, instead on the profitability of the company and not for one year's profitability; but, on a multi-year approach (ten or twenty year rolling average for instance).

China has invested trillions in it's infrastructure, we have let ours deteriorate. We do need to upgrade our infrastructure and that is the place to start. With healthy and efficient infrastructure it costs less to produce goods and transport them. That means you can pay your workers more. A new Work Progress Administration is needed and that will put people to work so that they can buy our goods so that our industry can hire people again. That is why I am so disgusted by the lame jobs program announced by President Obama, tax cuts will not get people jobs if we cannot compete with foreign countries.

This new program proposed by the president may pass; but, it won't create any jobs because it does not address the underlying issues and nobody seems willing to. Management wants to keep getting millions of dollars in bonuses even when their companies fail, employees want more money that their labor is worth compared to the rest of the world and nobody wants to pay the taxes that are needed to rebuild this country; therefore, things will not get better. The party is over kids when will we recognize that?

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