Monday, November 7, 2011

Let's Look at Spin in the Media

Here is an article from ABC news. Now if ABC is not mainstream then I don't know what is. Police in Riot Gear Arrest 20 Occupy Atlanta Protesters

Consider the first paragraph. "Nineteen Occupy Atlanta protesters were released from police custody today after a raucous night of protesting, in which protesters skirmished with cops in riot gear, on horseback and on motorcycles who were called in to clear them out of Woodruff Park at its 11 p.m. closing time."

Okay, lets start with the headline. It is one of force, it implies that the police HAD to arrest 20 people, because of course the police are always right and the people are always wrong. The media always says how police "had to" do this or that, no they don't, my dad was in the police and he discussed choices and options that he had considered; but, then my father was not a thug or dishonest. Let's see, the NYPD Union protested to say that their officers should not be penalized for fixing tickets for friends and family because that is what people do. Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger with a badge because he said the same thing when he pardoned a murderer that was related to a friend.

Now lets move to another part of the paragraph. They start by saying there was a "raucous" night of protesting. What does that mean? It didn't say the people were violent or caused any problems, "raucous" is a meaningless word used to justify what the police did without giving any specifics. It next says, "in which protesters skirmished with cops in riot gear". Wait a second, who skirmished with whom. Did the protesters come after the police or did the police come after the protesters. Kids, this is nothing more than garbage and propaganda.

When the police go after people peacefully and without weapons standing on a street saying that they are being taken advantage of by a corrupt system, we say the protesters created a skirmish. What happens if you leave the protesters alone? Nothing. So, what is wrong with letting people peacefully assemble and protest how the 1% have bribed their way to a totally corrupt system?

Do not be worse than sheep, do not accept everything you are told even when you know when it is wrong. Think and read, investigate and understand. It is all a lie.

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