Friday, March 23, 2012

Free Will an Illusion?

A recent article in LiveScience via Yahoo entitled "Is Free Will an Illusion? Scientists, Philosophers Forced to Differ" continues to express what some want us to believe. A group of 6 experts voted on whether or not you make decisions or are merely following your genetic code and they voted that you have no free will 4 to 2.

Atheists do not like the idea of free will, true scientists can accept it. You have to ask yourself why. Why are atheists afraid of free will? Because it means that they are responsible for their actions. They are not just afraid that there may be a God, they are afraid of free will also because it means you are responsible for your actions. I have more respect for Satanists as at least they are up front about it and tell you that the whole of the law is do whatever you want.

Life and individual morality is about making decisions and taking responsibility. You can say the Devil made you do it, you can say that it was in your genetic makeup or any other nonsense you like; but, in the end you define you by your choices and people need to take responsibility for that. When people argue or fight they almost always say that they didn't have a choice; but, that is always a lie.

Free will means that at a minimum there is personal responsibility for the harm we intentionally cause others. The purpose of denying free will is to deny intention and thereby deny responsibility. When you tell yourself that you didn't have a choice you are lying to yourself to avoid the emotional responsibility for what you do.

According to the "experts" we have no reason to control ourselves or learn, after all it will not affect our decisions according to them; but, isn't it amazing how much time they spend trying to justify actions as mechanical. Why should we trust anything they tell us when they don't believe they are responsible for their actions?

The truth is inside you and you do matter and you are also responsible for your decisions. Controlling people justify their actions by believing that your making decisions different than theirs is a sign that you are wrong. If they believe something then it must be right, there cannot be any free will in their minds. Control Freaks and Atheists don't believe in free will because it means that they are not and cannot become God, they cannot achieve perfection.

Still sick; but, I thought I would try and post, I do hope you enjoyed it at least as fodder for thought. My plan for this weekend is lots of sleep, it is to drink lots of coconut water (high in potassium and other good stuff to hydrate you) and rest. I want to return healthy and feeling well. If I can I will post, in the meantime, peace and love to all of my readers.

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