Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I don't know why but I literally did not sleep at all last night, I just lay in bed until it was time to go to work. I went to work and came home in a sort of fog. My plan for the night is to eat and go to bed early. I tried reading the news and found little of interest. The news had a lot of chatter about a shooting in Florida and the Health Care Bill going before the Supreme Court.

Not being really all here I thought I might provide some links to some people who are far from mainstream, yet, have very large followings. It is important to know what the alternative news is even if we disagree, it is an indication of how little faith people have in the traditional news. I do wish to make it clear that by including these links, I am in no way supporting these people's beliefs.

YouTube - 2012 Event Horizon - David Wilcock. Mr. Wilcock has indicated that he is a reincarnated Edger Casey, he also claims to channel other beings. Mr. Wilcock also believes that in 2012 we will experience a spiritual awakening. He also says that there will not be a second coming of Christ, that we are Christ. This man is no Christian.

YouTube - David Icke - The Global Spiritual Awakening. Now you may know about David Icke, he believes that the people running this world are inhabited by alien spirits. Having said that, he has also presented some good information on how the monetary funds are manipulated. Just like Mr. Wilcock, Mr. Icke believes we are godlike and will have a spiritual awakening.

YouTube - Benjamin Fulford - February 20, 2012. Mr. Fulford believes that the west is run by the Vatican and Zionists. He also is a transhumanist. What is interesting is that Mr. Fulford is the great grandson of a famous Canadian politician and was the asian Bureau chief for Forbes magazine.

So why do I bring these people up, well, I see a lot of chatter out there that takes these people very seriously. All of these people have been publicized and promoted by others in who believe that the powers that be have a massive conspiracy. I want to dig a little into what else they tend to believe.

What I want to try and do is attempt to give them some context. The world has always been run by an oligarchy, that is the only iron rule of politics. We used to call them kings and queens, now we call them bankers and businessmen. The quality of how they rule the world depends on the people and times. As times change, the people who have the most to lose tend to get nervous and that is what we are seeing now.

There are many, especially younger people, who have come to believe that religion was a trick created by kings and is the cause of all the worlds evils and is a tool for controlling people. They either become atheists or take on a new age type religion where none mean anything and all have validity.

For about the past six years I have been focusing on alternative media. I have posted on alternative sites under a different user name and have had a chance to engage in discussions on all of these matters. You would be surprised by how strongly people believe these things. The situation is not helped by the fact that many people in power believe in the occult; but, many working and middle class people believe in the occult.

The most common trends I have seen is a hatred of bankers, a hatred of Israel, a hatred of Christianity and a belief that either aliens are going to be disclosed, there is going to be a massive spiritual awakening or the world is going to end. Subsets of these are the belief that those who run the world want to kill off billions of us and make us totally controlled slaves. As bad as those things would be, the one that bothers me is not alternative, it is the belief in Transhumanism.

Transhumanism, as I have previously discussed, is the belief that we can medically or technologically change humans to be more advanced. The problem is, there is a lot of people who are in favor of this. I believe Mr. Fulford has been supportive of Transhumanism; I know both Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking are in favor of it.

I want to backtrack a little bit. Are there people who wish to see population reduction, well yeah, Planned Parenthood and others promote it. But that doesn't mean they want to kill people. Does the government want more control over the citizens, well yeah, there is nothing new about that. Government by definition thinks it's job is to regulate others and to a degree it is; but, as little as is necessary is what we should all aim for.

What I think concerns me the most about what I read is that it seems to be increasing in popularity as our world's corruption frantically attempts to steal the last dollar before a new system is put in place. How do we ever work together again when nobody seems to trust anyone else? 20 years ago Mr. Icke could not fill a small room, he recently gave a speech at Wembley Stadium in England.

As much as I regret it, there is not going to be a return to Christian values in this country. Whatever changes come will come from a group of very upset and confused people. What becomes our new national values, what can we agree on and how do we get there? It is one thing to upset the world, it is another to come to agreement and no amount of monitoring can prevent change. Less than 20% of the nation believes we are headed in the right direction or that things are getting better and less than that have faith in congress, these are not good signs in a democracy.

I have to say something else, the three people I supplied links to have had literally millions and millions of hits on YouTube. Last year more guns were sold in the United States than ever before and one arms manufacturer has stopped taking orders because he cannot fill the ones he has. Maybe what we need to do is step back and see what basic moral principals we believe in because the self-centered cost benefit analysis hasn't done it. Maybe we need to take baby steps and make honesty, integrity and concern for others our most basic principals. Maybe along with that we agree that people should not be regulated anymore than is necessary for the society to advance. Just some thoughts from someone who hasn't slept in a day and is about to try and do so now. Peace.

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