Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Tentative Return

I spoke to a friend yesterday that I had not heard from in about two years. It was nice to hear her voice. She met me when I was going through the divorce, I was not at peace with myself or the world at that time. So much has happened, so much change and loss and in the end I came out calmer and more at peace than I had been ever before in my life.

I look at the world around me, see the insanity and am at peace. There is nothing I want. I am happy just to be me and think again. I spent 40 years working and studying and having nothing physical to show for it; but, I have so much more and such good friends. As time moves forward and retirement comes closer, I wonder what I shall do next. Too bad the Protestants don't have any monasteries, I could do that.

I see the world and see that what happens will be left in the hands of others. Those of us at the end of the baby boom, those who were teenagers in the 70s are seeing our time pass and we didn't have much of it. We didn't have any say in anything during the 60s, we couldn't get decent jobs in the 70s or 80s because we were outnumbered by the ex-hippies and flower children. We saw the greatest increase in divorces and didn't have as many chances to promote because the children of the 60s had more experience. Please don't think I am complaining, I did easily overcame these issues and promoted very quickly. I worked my way up quite well.

Those of us who are those 70s kids, we also got to see a lot. Heck, we saw personal computers, we saw a man land on the moon, we had our time even if it was brief for us to impact the general mind. We were a silly generation, we went to discos and had pet rocks. We streaked and listened to Cheech and Chong. We are also the last generation that knows how things are supposed to work, we are the last generation to not be totally compartmentalized in our thinking.

I have tried to pass on knowledge and understanding to those who will replace me. They got what they got and will learn what they learn. I am not sure what I will do with the rest of my time. I am not sure how my peers will spend their time, we are in charge for a moment, will we make the proper choices? We shall see.

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