Sunday, April 29, 2012

L. A. Riots - 20 Years Ago

20 years ago I was 32. I was young with a wife and three young kids. We had just bought our first house and I spent 4 fours a day on the road to go to work. I had just begun to make a name for myself in my chosen profession. I was also at ground zero for when the riots began. I watched as crowds gathered after the verdict had been read. I was there just before the guard shack in front of the central police station was torched, I heard about it as I rode home. That night I heard there was some looting near where my grandmother lived, I got my gun and drove to her apartment to make sure she was safe. I drove past National Guard units who were being brought in.

I spent the night at my grandmothers and then drove into work. I decided to have a cup of coffee and a cigarette, so I stood in the middle of the street looking at the National Guard vehicles and the fires. The street was empty other than that and a few burned out and overturned cars. I remember thinking, this is my city and I will stand here and finish my coffee. It didn't hurt having my 38 on me. Later that day, I went to the top of one of the taller buildings and looked around me. It looked like a scene from the first Iraq war, there were fires as far as you could see.

By day two of the riots it stopped being about Rodney King and just became an excuse for people to steal. People in BMWs pulling into stores to stead big screen televisions. It was one of the most surreal times in my life. My kids didn't really understand what was going on and I didn't want them to worry about me; but, I had a job to do.

It seems like forever since then. So much has happened. After the riots I think we had all had enough and city quieted down. That is how these things often happen. A blow up and then everyone has to go back to their life. Change comes over time, I have seen it in my life. When I was 6 my parents drove us across country. A black man was not allowed in one of the restaurants because he was black. When I was in school they were just beginning busing in Los Angeles. Today we have a black president. 50 years ago they wouldn't let him use their restrooms.

We are on this earth but for a short time. Forgiveness and service to others really needs to be our approach. I taught about that yesterday at church. Anyways, just some rambling memories of a different time.

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