Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Club of Rome

I was recently asked about a group known as "The Club of Rome" and agreed to post some information about it. The organization was founded in 1968 as a think tank. It's membership is limited to 100 (though I also read that they would have another 200 who made the total membership 300, with only 100 active at any time) and you select your replacement. Members have included retired heads of state, scientists and businessmen. 1968 was an interesting year, the hippy movement was in full swing and Woodstock was setting the tone. It was a time when it looked like "the establishment" might just be replaced in the future.

The focus of the Club of Rome is on the environment and population control and world government globalization). The first book published by the Club of Rome was "Limits to Growth". While the book sold over 12 million copies, I think it is fair to say that most people are unaware of the organization. Membership has included Al Gore and Mikhail Gorbachev. While their primary site is being non-responsive, I will provide a link to their sister organization, The United States Club of Rome.

If you followed the link then I hope you also checked out some of their links, such as this one. World Federalist Manifesto. It basically calls for world government and the end of cash. Now, if you don't believe these people have any real influence I ask you to go back and look into it's membership. It was originally created by two men, Aurellio Peccei and Alexander King (a scientist). Here is a little history of the organization. The Club of Rome popularized (and created I believe) the phrase, "Think globally, act locally" and was a proponent of the United Nations Agenda 21.

I am including a link to the United Nations website which gives the text of Agenda 21. The short of it is that it is the United Nations calling for international control over the environment and taking actions to drive down the population.

The beliefs of the Club of Rome are very similar to the program laid out by the Rockefeller Commission in their report entitled "Population and the American Future - The Report of The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future." While I have included a link to the actual report, I will sum up some of it's conclusions. Basically it said that they anticipated that the United States would continue to increase it's population, having children should be regulated (some said no more than 2 and others wanted 0); but, their assumptions all proved wrong. The truth is that the western societies and Japan are not having children, our populations are going down. Fewer people are having children, fewer people are getting married and those who do are getting married later in life.

There are groups such as the John Birch Society that believe this is all the work of international communists. I don't quite see it that way. This is the logical extension of the belief that we are at odds with nature, that we are the enemy to the planet and they have said so. Ted Turner has called for reducing the world population to around 2 billion people (we are currently at 7 billion). Mr. Turner claims that if we do not, we will kill the planet. He is also said to have been a member (though it may have been honorary of) of the Club of Rome. It should also be pointed out that Mr. Turner in the Audubon Magazine had said, "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

While their website was down, I was able to find the Declaration of the Club of Rome online. DECLARATION of The Club of Rome
Brussels, April 25, 1996
. The Club of Rome also calls for organizing the world through ten regions. This caught my friends attention and is why he asked me to write about them. He was unaware of the organization and had heard that it viewed the world in 10 regions. He wondered how this might relate to the ten horns described in Revelations. As I was searching the net I found others had questioned this. Some seemed to focus on the fact that Prince Hassan bin Talal had been the head of the Club of Rome and even asked if he was the anti-Christ. The truth is he left his position in 2007 from what I can tell.

I have to say something. As I read through the internet, I am constantly finding people pointing at this person or that person and asking if they are the anti-Christ. I have read how some people accuse Obama of being him. While I support people asking questions about everything, I think they should be careful in making accusations.

What we should be concerned about regarding groups like the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergs, the Tri-Lateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations is how they work outside of the public view. They do not appear to believe in transparency while promoting it for others. The other thing we should be concerned about is what they are promoting. I have provided links to their own websites so that the reader can see for themselves.

Each one of these organizations believes in population reduction, less sovereignty and more international law over traditionally national policies and decision making by unelected experts. This is a common complaint by Nigel Farage regarding the European Union. The term used to describe these people in Europe is Technocrats (we would call them Bureaucrats). My issue with these people is that they believe we are all idiots and need them to decide how the world will work. I do not question their motives, they really do believe they are better than us and know what is best for us.

History is full of people who thought that the world government should be centralized and many who tried to achieve that goal through wars. These people seem to be against war; but, are more than happy to use politics, economics and control over food to motivate countries to agree to greater international control over their lives. I believe like the founding fathers that the greater control should be local.

Not everyone is going to want to read this post, I wrote it for one person to give some background information as requested. As for the globalists, their own words speak for them. "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries".-- David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991.

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