Wednesday, May 23, 2012

IPv6, Internet ID's and Lies

Wired - Threat Level - New York Legislation Would Ban Anonymous Online Speech.

I think I have written about this in the past. On the internet, no conversation and nothing you do is private and in the future, they will no who you are everytime you use a cell phone or the internet.

In the last couple of posts I already talked about how Europe wants to assign everyone an individual internet identification. Now I want to show how all of this was planned. It is called IPv6. Internet Protocol Version 6 is a change that will occur on June 26, 2012 and involves changing how many digits are used in your internet address. Put in simplest terms, currently the internet allows for 5 billion individual ip addresses. The new addresses will allow for every person on earth (7 billion) to use billions and billions more. This means that every device can have a new address that is assigned based on who owns the device. If it were not for the fact that the governments want an individual ip address for everyone then none of this would be necessary. The conversion was tested within the last year and I wrote a post about it at the time.

The change in the Internet Protocol is required if you are going to have electronic money and if you are going to give everyone and individual electronic identification; but, the don't mention those things when discussing the change. Having said that, it did come up from privacy groups such as EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center). EPIC has also been very vocal regarding the pending legislation that would require new Social Security Cards to include your biometric information. Hmmm, lets see, everyone gets a social security card and new ones will have your unique biometric information to identify you positively.

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