Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reality Check

I gave my talk at church tonight and it went well; but, prior to starting I spoke to the head Pastor as we had both arrived early. He mentioned how he had told a close friend of his about the genetic modification of rice being combined with human genetic material. The person told him that he didn't believe these things were actually being done.

I provide links and I know my regular readers would not be regular readers if I just made this stuff up. We are bombarded with conflicting information and alarmist reports. I attempt not to be alarmist; but, the things I write about are being done and they are being done now, not just some vague concept in the future.

There are some things that I talk about before they go into production and I identify them as such. There are others things that I will discuss as being researched and then there are things that I talk about that are already here (in the world if not the United States). The article about the rice that has been modified with human genetic material is in the per-production stage and could go into commercial production within a year. As for gene therapy being used to cure Autism, here is a news article for you to watch.

YouTube - Autism Cure

The video is only 3 minutes long, go ahead are watch it and then I want you to read the comments left by people who claim to be autistic. The responses tend to come in three types, people who are autistic and are sick and tired of being told they are a disease, people who have to take care of low functioning autistic relatives and people who claim to be autistic and want to be cured. I have never met an autistic person who wanted to be "cured". The ones who are low functioning don't ask to be "cured", they are the ones who don't communicate. Will parents be given a choice at birth to give us gene therapy to make sure that we don't grow up to be autistic? Force us to take stem cells from aborted babies so that we do not become ourselves?

There are very serious moral and privacy issues with regard to stem cell therapy and even more so with forced stem cell therapy. There are certain religious groups that do not believe in blood transfusions. On occasion courts have forced people to give their children these transfusions against their will, think that won't happen with stem cell therapies? Of course it will, there is court precedent.

I should also point out that I do not believe the stem cell treatment did a thing to the young girl in the video. It is not uncommon for autistic kids to not say anything and then just begin talking is whole sentences, that has long been recognized. That is not the issue that I am addressing, I am addressing the issue of attempting to control our minds, our souls if you will. God created us and we all face challenges; but, we are unique, each and everyone of us. We can meet our personal challenges and be fully developed us's. It just takes work, the work is what defines our character.

But, I digress, let us return to the original point. These things are being done now, this is not science fiction and most people do not understand how far along we are down the road. The facial recognition software is already in use by facebook and others, this is admitted. Biometrics for everyone on earth, go back and read the article about India, they are openly and actively doing this to 1.2 billion people. As for exclusively electronic finances, Sweden has said they will be there in two years, not twenty and not a hundred, Now.

I would love to know how many of my readers have tried to tell people about some of these things and found that people told you that they don't believe it is real yet; but, it is. Google glasses, you can go to their own website. Google+ Project Glass. So why do so many find it so hard to believe that this is all real and we are living it? Heck, the vast majority of voters are still voting for Democrats and Republicans as if it mattered. These are the same criminals that destroyed our economy and our country so that they could prosper.

There is a lot going on and I understand that, I also understand it is more information then people can take in and make sense of. It is hard to see the truth when all you hear is lies; but, it is critical to have discernment, to investigate and know what we can know and we can know quite a lot. Do not look for outside verification, you have to come to your understanding of reality by yourself; but, not on your own. Evaluate the information you are given rather than hide from it. Dismiss information based on your investigation and not on your biases.

The thing is, there are tremendous changes going on in the world and that creates fear and confusion. The world will not end in 2012, the world will see more changes. They are not going to throw everyone into death camps either. Having said that, the worlds economies will come crashing and there will be a solution. Whether you believe we have been here for millions of years or thousands of years, we will still be here. We have seen every kind of economic, military and social change that we could imagine already, this is just one more.

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