Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More on Circumcision

This always happens, whenever I write about circumcision there is always more than one article in the same day. Okay, so we just discussed outlawing circumcision, now comes an article where in Zimbabwe, the country is pushing for all the men to get circumcised because they believe it can decrease the chances of getting AIDS by 60%.

What if this were true? Would German courts change their mind if circumcision could decrease people's chances of getting AIDS? Lets play with this a bit. The German court said that you could circumcise your child; but, only if their was a medical reason, religious reasons are not good enough. Now, if I bring my baby in to be circumcised and say that I am having it done for a health reason the German court would let me do it. Now, if on the other hand I say I am doing it for religious reasons, will I have to lie and say it was for health reasons?

I think we did the same thing with gays when the military had a "don't ask don't tell" policy. Why do we want people to lie? I remember when I first came to work for my organization. I was told that perception was as important as reality. I disagreed and have lived that career. I exactly what I mean and mean what I say. Lying does not change the perception long term; however, long term, the truth cannot be ignored and you will be seen for who you are even if they hate you.

AFP via Yahoo News - Zimbabwe MPs circumcised in anti-AIDS drive

I know this is a short post, it is for a relative who has an interest in the subject. I just don't feel like discussing it that much; but, want him to have the information that he is interested in.

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