Thursday, June 21, 2012

A New Follower - I am honored

As I was logging in to the blog today I noticed the site had acquired a new follower. I checked the profile and it turns out to be a lovely young lady who is a real writer. It also appears she is a Christian as am I. I think I felt intimidated for a moment, intimidated to have a real author reading my stuff. I am not generally an insecure person as my readers may have guessed.

I searched her on the net and read one of her poems about love called "When I thought of You". I rather liked it. I liked the sentiment and the way she said it. I am not the same kind of writer. I can get my thoughts together and explain myself; but, I am not as good at expressing myself, I don't do well expressing the feel of an emotion.

Welcome Ms Kuehlke. It is an honor to have you read my paltry words. My little blog here is not advertised anywhere, has no real theme and is not as consistent as I would wish. I know a writer should write everyday; but, somedays I just don't have anything to say. Please feel free at anytime to give me advice on my writing by sending a comment. I should add something, I allow anonymous followers *don't know who most of them are", anonymous comments and don't use real names. I only mentioned yours because it is already on display and I must assume that you knew that.

I have never really done this before; but, in honor or your joining I will release some general information about myself. Firstly, I am incredibly handsome. I am tall and muscular with a keen mind and a stand up comedians persona. People love me the minute they see me. In my spare time I sell Mexican beer on television. I am......

I am in my early 50s, short and bald. I am just another old analyst who writes boring contracts and instruction manuals and lengthy, boring reports. This blog is my tool for loving the written word, it is my opportunity to write without rules; but, just to write. I write about things that I think people should consider. I try to inform and amuse and the focus is on inform. I have been told that my writing sounds the same as talking to me in person, I leave that as always to the reader who knows me to decide.

One final thing about my writing, it is freeflow and I don't grammer check. Each post gets one chance and I don't remember every correcting anything after I publish it. I reside in California along with my dog and a friend. I am not on a no-fly list; but, I am on a Watch List and I do not know the reason; but, I figured if they wanted to watch, they might enjoy watching this blog. That is the first time that I have let anyone know that.

Dear Ms. Kuehlke (I do hope I pronounced that properly), I do not know what caused you to notice or read this silly little blog of mine; but, I want you to know that I take my readers seriously and I hope to bring things to all of your attentions that you might not otherwise have noticed. My next post is going to be about how I don't know what joy is.

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