Friday, June 8, 2012

The Weekend and a Hodgepodge of News

First up I thought we might talk about the freeway system of tomorrow. Lets read this from the Huffington Post - V2V: Department Of Transportation's New Communication System Helps Cars Avoid Crashes By Talking To Each Other. The author gushes over the fact that the government wants to put a sensor in every car that allows it to prevent accidents and this thing records everything you do from your speed to where other cars are around you.

This next article is just fun. A strange radar return from the Baltic sea was obtained last year showing what appears to be a UFO on the bottom of the ocean. No big deal, strange returns happen to sonar readings. So right now a team of oceanographers are in the area, a year later, with plans to dive and see whatever it is and they did. Two days ago the group posted the following, "The divers are now down and investigating the circle and reports from the ship say they are really amazed. There is definitely something unusual hiding at the seabed – a Mystery Beneath." Here is a link to their site - The Ocean Explorer. With the movie Prometheus coming out today which assumes that God was an alien race that created us, what a mashup this could make. What if they came back with proof that it was an alien craft that had crashed 50,000 years ago and had "proof" that the aliens had tampered with our DNA to evolve us. Would you believe it? There were also reports that Russian and American navies were in the area.

Then we have this interesting article from Business Wire via Yahoo News - Launches Banking App for U.S. Bank for iPad. Do any of my readers still doubt that we are going to go cashless and fairly soon and guess what, having gold will be meaningless. You cannot eat gold and gold trading is regulated. You will pay your taxes with electronic currency and if you don't pay your taxes, you cannot leave the country. Just some things to keep my dear readers amused.

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