Thursday, July 12, 2012

Crazy Stuff on the Internet

Dearest readers, there are things going on in the world that are real and not all of them are good. We are playing with our genetic code, in California we voted for stem cell research and it passed. It is not make believe. You are being monitored, filmed and tracked, any fool with a cell phone should know that. Lots of strange things are being done and we are not being fully informed about the purpose; but, not everything that we fear is happening and you cannot accept everything you see or read on the internet. That is why I provide links.

I was just watching videos today and came across this one YouTube - Picture 1077. Someone was looking at Google Earth and is freaked out by round green patches in Oregon. The man sounds Canadian. The round green things are farms. A number of years ago to conserve water and other things, we increased farming in the round. Basically your watering devices are centered in the middle of a long field and sit on big wheels, the pipe that distributes the water goes round and round rather than you having to pipe the whole area. We use this technology in the desert and I have seen it hundreds and hundreds of times in action.

Here is my point, you have to try and make sense of things and research them more. I hope my readers know that I don't worry about a zombie apocalypse because I don't. I worry about real things like biometrics and the move towards transhumanism because these are real things and you can read what these people have to say in their own words if you follow my links.

There are people who are very worried about FEMA camps and everyone being rounded up and put to death as occurred in Nazi Germany. That is not possible in the United States at present and won't be unless extremists are popular. POPULAR. There is no way that Obama could tell the military to round up all dissidents and kill them, that is just stupid. Neither the military nor the intelligence people would allow it. Now, I do not agree with all of the Executive Orders or the NDAA, I find them offensive to the Constitution; but, a true dictator could not be successful in the United States at this time.

I don't think Obama is any better than Bush and I left the party system long, long ago. He is as big a pawn as the others. We are not becoming communist Russia, that is fear mongering. We are losing our place as the worlds biggest power and we have sold ourselves out; but, that is because we stopped caring about one another.

No nation ever had a totalitarian takeover that did not announce itself and it's intentions. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, it was no secret what he was trying to do. Stalin was up front about what he wanted and made it clear he read Marx. Mao wrote his little red book and Che Guerva openly wrote about what he believed. The real threat that we are facing at the moment is right wing fascism.

There are ultra conservatives calling for creating militias to stop a communist takeover. It is not sane and actually contributes to polarization. We are moving to a global government; but, not by force. The Law of the Sea Treaty is international law regulating everyone, the new Small Arms Treaty is an attempt international law and oversight and the U.N. is proposing international taxes; but, none of that makes sense if the "Powers that be" really wanted to kill everyone. Let me be clear, there are many who wish to see the population decreased; but, I not through killing people (yes, there are crazed people that would; but, they don't have the support).

Some of the things I discuss are scary because they are real, not because they are possibilities. I discuss real technology that is being used today, not some possible thing that might happen. I mean, I discuss how the technology can be used and my fears of people using it wrongly; but, if I say it is being used wrong today, it is because it is. It is legal for the government to monitor the internet, the courts decided that a long time ago. Nothing that goes over the public airways is private and the internet is a public airway. Having said that, nobody cares what 99% of you think, they just don't care because you are not a threat.

Think about this, lets say that everyone who used heroin put it on their Facebook. I don't know how many people use heroin but it is in the millions. Do you honestly think that the government would use Facebook to track down everyone of them and arrest them? They could not if they had to and nothing you could post would provide anything other than probable cause, not proof.

FEMA has built camps, that is their job. The camps could be used in the event of a national emergency such as the power grid going down because of solar flairs; but, the fear mongering puts us at risk. What if a solar flair took down the grid, are there people out there who would not believe it was the reason and think we were attacking ourselves and refuse to be protected? Yes and they could get dangerous.

Germany became authoritarian because they wanted a strong leader to protect them from the communists. Russia and China became communistic because their existing leaders were ineffective in protecting them from their government. China and Russia were not industrialized until after they replaced their old governments. Germany was an industrial power already. A country will accept harsh collectivism when the majority believe that only a few benefit from the system and the rest are left to squalor. Fascism reigns when people who are industrialized and have know better want to go backwards in time. The vast majority of Americans want to go back to what we had and that means they will seek a fascist leader.

In my humble opinion, we should reflect upon our reality. We are not producing anything to sell to the rest of the world other than weapons and are unwilling to live on less to truly compete. The Chinese and Indians and others are willing to work for less. Sometimes you have to take a step back to take a step forward and we are unwilling to do that.

I think I may have gotten off track. When you see something on the internet or the regular news, think about what you are being told rather than react with "how you feel", your feelings are meaningless if they are not based on good facts, figure out the facts first and don't presume your biases are in effect, look for logical reasons.

I was talking to someone today and what my father did came up. Because of what my father did, my family was monitored (he was a good guy). I understand government surveillance; but, understand how it works even in the new technology. Right now the government uses computers to look for keywords in e-mails and cell phone calls. They are looking for words like "bomb" and "militia" and whatever. They are not looking for "marijuana" or "adultery" or even "hate".

I will tell a true story. When I was in college I had a friend who knew that our phone was tapped. He was a jerk and called me up and acted as if he was selling me drugs when he was not. I told him on the phone to stop being a douche, I may have said he knew the situation of the phone, I don't remember or care and neither did the people listening in, they had a specific thing they were allowed to act on and that is how it works. The government may listen to everything; but, they really only care about certain things. That does not mean that I agree with the use of the technology, I am not; but, I understand how it is used.

I think this is one of my more rambling posts and I like it. If you read or see something and have an automatic reaction then you stopped analyzing it. Take a moment and start asking yourself questions about your reaction and why you are having it, don't assume your first reaction is valid.

When I found out that the government still had an interest in me, I decided to play a game and this blog is part of it. I told you when I asked my FBI file and it was denied because I am on a watch list. I have probably been on that list since the early 70s, it means nothing to me. If I made such lists, I would put me on it because of what my father did. That does not mean I like it, it is what it is. My father's decisions paid for my college and I accepted them at the time, that does not mean that is no playfulness in the Pimpernel.

If your parent had a top secret clearance then you were investigated and watched, not often, just enough. 99% of you never knew anything of any value and if you did you probably didn't understand it or how it could be used. I do not believe that any of my readers think I am stupid, I may be autistic; but, high functioning.

We need to watch the infrastructure we build because it could be used against us. We need to monitor the technology we create because it can cause harm. I love the Constitution; but, I love the bible more. The bible is as perfect as it should be, the Constitution is imperfect and the single greatest rule that man has ever created. The Constitution gives the rules by which it can be changed, by which we can rightfully and fairly modify the rules. The bible is about God and perfection, the Constitution is about man and our need to grow, it allows for us to learn. It suffers change; but, it does not suffer fools. If we allow for bigotry to rule us, bias, hate, emotion, then we pervert the Constitution, not just for protecting us, for it's totality.

What is more important, to be right or to be moral. If you choose to be right then understand eventually you will be wrong or you are perfect and God. If you choose to be moral then you must allow others to grow rather than just be right. The answer determines how much free will you will allow others. If you believe in God then you will allow as much free will in others as possible and trust that he has the answer. You must have faith. Tough answers for good people. As humans we can only vote for better, only God can be right. Peace.

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