Monday, July 2, 2012

An Interesting Spiritual Video

I know that there are members of my audience that are Christians. I don't often post directly to them; but, on occassion I see something or read something that I think they will find interesting. Such is the video link that I will provide today. I don't have much to say about it as I have been preoccupied with other things; however, I found it interesting. Just as an update, I have managed to eat bland foods and drink more water. I also will never eat a chili pepper again or anything made with it if I can help it.

YouTube - The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment

In short, the video is about 9-11, a bible verse and how it was used to outline what the U.S. would do after 9-11. Personally, as I have said before, I believe the western world has seen it's best days. I did not come to that conclusion based on the bible, just based on our approach and refusal to set things truly right. We are still trying to play by the same rules that caused our bubbles and collapses, short term and selfish thinking. Still, the video raised some interesting questions.

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