Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spoke at Church Today

It was my turn up at the bat and I gave a sermon on technology and where it is at today. It seemed to go over well, I talked about the things that my readers have read in the past. My intention is to do a series on things going on in the world and may test some of it here.

I think the issues that I most want to address are:

1. Genetic research and modification.
2. Electronic cash and a cashless, pegged economy.
3. Nanotechnology and technologically modified people.
4. Technologies elimination of privacy and government overbearence.
5. How these things were predicted.

I may or may not discuss how our institutions have been corrupted; but, I want to discuss it here for a moment. A documentary was made about a child sex ring that was managed by a black Republican leader in Omaha. The documentary was to air on a television channel and was even listed in the TV Guide. Just before it was to air, all copies were ordered destroyed, one copy survived and I want to give you a link to a video of it on YouTube. It is not broadcast quality and looks like an editing copy (numbers at the bottom of the picture). The video is disturbing and has some cussing.

Conspiracy Of Silence - Franklin Cover Up

Why do I bring this up? I bring it up because I just heard an interview with Mr. DeCamp in which he stated that he is about to be involved in a legal action representing the head of Boys Town which is going to rock this place and bring allegations and proof of something very amazing that will change this place.

For those of you who have been here the longest and remember the first two versions of this blog, I believe I had posted a link prior. I think it bears watching again in light of the Sandusky proceedings. You have to ask yourself why Penn State did not do anything to protect the children and kept rewarding Mr. Sandusky. The reason is simple, he made them money and the kids did not.

I care about my readers and I want to provide you information that you may have missed, I wish to be a blessing to you in this manner. When I was at church today, I talked about things that I usually reserve for this blog. I was able because of our audio visual person to show some things, I am definitely going to do that again. I didn't know I could show things from the internet while speaking.

My public speaking is like my writing, messy, slovenly, fast, erratic and to the point. I am like Roy Jones Jr., I know all the rules and I break them all. I don't care about the rules other than God's rules and focus on one thing, giving my message. I was going to use a verse in my talk today and while I was speaking I decided to use a different one. I have done that the last two times. I will change what I am saying in the middle of a presentation if I decide my audience would be better served. When I talk and when I write, I am telling you where my thoughts are at that moment, the subject matter is what was chosen in advance, never the presentation. Have a great week.

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