Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back for a bit

For the moment I have decided to limit my writing to certain issues. I am still not sure how I feel about writing about real people and will continue to think about it.

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. We are getting there. A bit back I wrote about how the City of Los Angeles was allowing people to row Kayaks down the L.A. Storm channel (often called the LA River). I stated that the "LA River" had historically been considered NOT a navigable waterway and was not a natural water course and was therefore exempt from Federal control and regulation. The Kayak trips were done so that the Federal government could declare it a navigable water course and thereby regulate everything near it.

Within the last couple of months there has been some additional scams. A man in Oregon was sent to jail for collecting rainwater on his own property. That made the national news. It is left out of the story that he did more than just collect rainwater, he created small ponds and in Oregon the state has all the water rights. I don't want to get into the very complicated riparian (water) rights issues; but, they are different in different states and the general idea is that you can't cut off the water on a stream from a guy down the way and keep it all to yourself. Well water is different because it is under your property.

Now I will talk about a silly thing that I saw. In the desert I saw a natural underground water course be encased and there was no good reason for doing it. Well, it makes stops it from being a natural water course and thereby keeps it within local control (it also keeps out pollution).

Today I was reading and came across this story. The PPJ Gazette - Globalist Plot to Blow Up 26,000 Dams & Takeover Water. If you are interested in why water is being increasingly regulated by the federal government, it has some interesting things to say.

The author of the article makes the point that navigable waters are controlled by the Federal government because of their effect on commerce. I believe that is why the people had to pay for permits to Kayak down the "LA River". When I was a kid if you got in the channel, you got arrested. They are coming for your water and they are gonna get it.

Buying gold is foolish and the media is trying to fool people into it. It has just been announced that the Republicans are going to call for the United States going back to the gold standard, that is stupid. The intent it to drive up the price of gold, get your money and they will come collect the gold from you at a later date at a set price (lots less than you paid). It happened during the great depression. There will be no free water in the future, all regulated and you will trade all your gold for a single glass of water.

The United States will not return to a strict gold standard in my opinion. I think it is much more likely that we will go to an international standard that is based on your nations natural resources. The hot minerals are not gold and silver, they are the rare earth minerals that are used in high tech things, such as your phone and computer. China will demand that any standard includes these minerals as they represent the true "wealth" of a nation.

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