Friday, August 10, 2012

Feeling Under the Weather

I was tired this morning and woke up late; but, I went to work and felt fine. I had an Arnold Palmer, drank lots of water, didn't eat (don't usually) and about halfway through the day I just started feeling bad. My right sinus was kinda cloggy and I ended up with a headache and queezy stomach. It was hot and I think that sort of contributed to it a lot. I don't usually react badly to heat and I was hydrated.

So, I got home and just sat in my chair, laid down in the bed, sat in the chair, drank water and wanted to feel better. Eventually I decided to have some crab salad, it was a little difficult to eat; but, I began feeling better after I did, not fantastic, better, I still had the junky sinus and headache.

The person I live with went across the street and got me some more water and stuff to make a sandwich in case I feel better later and get hungry. When he got to the store, they asked about me and said they hoped I felt better. They always ask about me and actually care how I am doing. That is a good feeling. I always ask about them too and actually know lots of their stories and lives.

I really like where I live, it has a nice warm feel. A little bit more personal.

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