Friday, August 3, 2012

I Dislike Romney

The more I read about things that he is said, the more I dislike him. I need to remind people that I don't like Obama and didn't like the Bush's or Clinton. I don't trust any of them. At least the others lied, that is better than this guy. He flat out says that he doesn't represent the poor and that the Republican party is a party of people who want to be rich. He doesn't seem to thing about people are Republicans because of the other values that the party holds.

People who read this blog might assume that I am am anti-Republican, I am not. I am also not anti-Democrat. I am a moderate extremist. I believe in doing the right thing for the right reason. I was also a registered Republican and voted for Reagan.

Here is my question, why is anyone voting for him. There were other candidates that at least said they cared about everyone. Mr. Romney only cares about one thing and his business life proved it, he believes in getting as much personal benefit as possible. He said it, didn't he. The people he supports are people like him and he specialized in outsourcing jobs to other countries. He believes in every man for himself and do anything to come out on top. I cannot believe that all of his supporters feel the same way. It is the most anti-American thinking I can conceive of. Are we no longer a nation, do we no longer support our community and each other?

I am Libertarian in regards to personal freedom; however, I am against them when it comes to leaving my brother to fend for himself should he join after the game has begun. You were born rich or poor and don't tell me it didn't effect your odds in life. If you tell me that is just the way life is, then I will say okay, so lets make sure that ones on the bottom are at least okay.

Mr. Romney has appealed to the lowest common denominator, selfishness and he won lots of elections based on it. When did even the conservatives stop thinking about country before self? I have no respect for the man. Mr. Romney is not an American, he is a Romnian and we shouldn't vote for such people. This is not an endorsement of anyone, I am not voting because they are all the same. They are all bad.

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