Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tech in the News Again and the Ex

I had these really great articles that I wanted to post about yesterday; but, I was forced to address other things. My ex-wife needed some help and called me for advice. I'm not really sure what to say about that. I helped her; but, I doubt she would ever do the same for me. She turned my middle daughter against me with her lies and gave out my personal information to the man she cheated on me with. I told her that I didn't trust her; but, that I would help. That is a pretty accurate explanation of how I feel. Privacy matters and once destroyed cannot be returned. Think about that as you read these stories.

The first article is about a new Facebook project called "Facedeals". Basically, Facebook will install cameras in stores, the cameras will identify you by your biometrics and then it will send you discounts that are tailored to your purchasing practices and preferences. Trading your privacy for discounts.

MSNBC - What's privacy worth? 'Facedeals' app to scan your face in exchange for discounts

The next is a video about a new system for paying by phone. It involves the company Square, the one that Apple just bought. When you go to the store (or Food Truck), the operator can ask your name, put it in the system and your name and picture will show up so the vendor can verify it is you. You watch, in the future the vendor will point the camera phone at you and it will bio-metrically verify who you are.

CNN - No cash and no credit care? Pay by phone.

This article is about making gadgets that can read your emotions by the look on your face. Predictive programming in real time.

BuzzFeed FWD - If Gadgets Could Only See Our Faces

Finally, an article about a story I have been following for a hot minute. The Federal government is going to require cars to have "black boxes" in them, just like planes. Something to record your every action and be used against you. These boxes will allow them to eventually record everything you do in your car and maybe even issue you speeding tickets. The noose tightens.

The Hill - 'Black box' standards coming for cars

Your government and corporations do not respect your privacy, it gets in the way of controlling you, monitoring you and selling you garbage that you do not need. You are a product and you choose whose product you are be it Facebook, Twitter or whatever. People associate themselves with specific products be it Coca Cola or Gucci, it really doesn't matter. People define who they are by the images that these companies portray and they are all just that, images. Define yourself by your moral choices and not by the products you use.

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