Saturday, September 1, 2012

They are all liars and need money to run for office

Well, the Republican National Convention is over, I didn't have to watch it. I read about it, more garbage, I expect nothing different from the Democrats, more garbage and little to no substance. Even the reviews and commentaries are garbage, they discuss look, touch and feel, they don't discuss solutions for they offered none, only hope that they would find solutions. Politics is not about answers, it is about opinions and positions. Cookie chasers and justifications.

I had some respect for Ross Perot, he used to say, he didn't have the answers but he would investigate and make a decision. A good management answer and a poor political answer. We expect perfection from politicians, they must have all answers. I disagree, they must make clear by what criteria they will make their decisions, what they will balance, which choices. That is uncomfortable for them so don't get those answers, we get what nice people they are.

This is theater, it is theater of the absurd, it discusses everything except that which matters. I don't want promises of jobs, I want to hear how it will be achieved. I don't want to hear how your care about people, I want to hear what you will do and how it will effect them.

For the first time in over 50 years a Republican Presidential candidate had failed to discuss war while we actively engaged in at least two. What does he plan on doing about these wars, didn't make the discussion. How many must die, how many must we kill, will he keep us at war or end them. Kind of an important thing, at least I think so. Everyone has an opinion, shouldn't we at least require that our "leaders" have an answer, even if it is imperfect?

Here is the "American Idol" scorecard of the RNC. How is it useful, does it give any answers to the real issues or just discuss how people feel?

Yahoo News - The Atlantic Wire - What They're Saying About Mitt Romney's Big Speech

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