Monday, October 1, 2012

Sex Talk with Your Kids - Careful what you say in California

Now personally I really don't care if someone is gay, it is none of my business. I have gay friends and it just isn't an issue for me. If one of my kids told me they were gay when they were younger, I would have talked to them about it and stated that I believe that we are two sexes for a reason, we are meant to be with members of the opposite sex. I would give them my honest opinion.

A couple of weeks ago a very rich man in Asia offered about $60 million for someone to marry his daughter. His daughter is gay and very accomplished. I saw her interviewed, she said she knew he did it out of love. She was much more generous than I would have been. I think what he did was immoral, disrespectful and wrong. By the way, she was also cute. We won't even get into how many idiots wanted to take him up on the offer. What sort of moron would even begin to think he had a chance?

So, now we come to the news. California has passed a law prohibiting people from taking their children to “sexual orientation change efforts.” Really? Now, my readers know that there must be more to this and there is. But, first I want to say something about my regular readers. You don't come here for the news, you come here because you know the news is just propaganda. I may not have a lot of readers; but, I don't have any dumb ones that visit regularly. Neither the issues or my take on them is for morons, it requires going into the stories.

Quite awhile back I wrote about a lesbian couple in California. They were portrayed in the mainstream media as evil because their adopted son said he was a girl. Everyone was told how he was getting hormone treatments and it sounded as if they were trying to pressure him into being a girl; but, the truth was a little different. In fact, they were giving him treatments to delay the onset of puberty and did not know how to deal with him. He told them he was a girl and they told him that he was not. They gave him treatments to delay puberty so that he would understand better that he was a boy. I disagree with them, let him have puberty when his body says so; but, I know what they did was out of love and they were in a tough spot, they tried to be good parents. I say being a parent means that you can never be right again.

I guess under this new law, those lesbians would be in trouble for trying to be good parents. We have two choices, sexuality is either a decision or genetics. If it is genetic than would it be okay to find the gay gene and refuse to have a child born that had it? We can have all the abortions we want, no reason is needed. Now, if homosexuality is a choice, why can't we discuss it with our kids and have help from trained professionals?

I have a friend and she has the most marvelous son, he is just amazing. He had a very, very, very rare disorder. I am so glad that I got to meet him, he just made me smile and laugh and feel affection for him and his girl friend. He was not supposed to live like past 10; but, he is much older than that.

A side note, how much money has been spent trying to find the "gay" gene and how much has been spent trying to decode autism? I can tell you right now that more effort has been spent to eradicate autism than homosexuality. To my autistic brothers and sisters, we are hated more than gays. In California it is now illegal to attempt to influence someones gender identification; however, it is legal to have you unborn child's dna scanned to see if they might be autistic so that you can kill us before we are born.

Not long ago some people attempted to get a law passed that prohibited people from having abortions in order to determine the sex of the baby. You can kill a baby for any reason apparently. The law was not passed. Here is the question, if we could determine if our child was going to be gay, it would be legal to have an abortion of that child. You can kill them before they are born; but, once born you are not supposed to try influence their decisions.

We did not outlaw telling your children that homosexuality was wrong, we did not outlaw telling your children that being gay is a sin, we did not outlaw mentally abusing children and we couldn't define it well enough to prevent it. I know many gay people and tell them I love them, because their parents did not. You cannot outlaw that, you cannot enforce love.

What we have is a stupid law. We have a law that tells parents they cannot have professionals help them if they believe their children are headed down the wrong road. That is what this law establishes, it is called precedent in the courts. The law is not about homosexuality, it is about government control over what parents try and teach their children.

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