Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A few days off - Media Nonsense

The Pimpernel had a few days off and went on a short trip. While I was gone I stayed up late, I even watched television. I watched all the hardcore news channels and the stock market channels. The channels that cater to the educated and well off spin more garbage and pander to their audience worse than reality shows. LOL.

In college I took advanced statistics, the only math I really enjoyed, it looked for answers when used properly. Math can help us understand answers or at least probabilities. I saw it twisted to lie about taxes and deductions. I saw experts lie using math, trying to justify why the wealthy, those who benefit the most from our infrastructure (which we all pay for) should pay less. The threat was that if we ended deductions for charity then people would stop giving. That was one of the jokes. Yet, they never brought up the fact that people can deduct for putting on a Broadway show or other such lunacies.

99.5 of the deductions only apply to the wealthy. Nobody bothered mentioning that. I think most people who earn (wages, actually earn and not inherit through a trust), would be okay with getting rid of deductions for putting on Broadway plays. I believe that people who earn over $250,000 would be happy with getting of deductions that are simply unfair.

I would be okay with getting rid of a deduction for charitable giving if we get rid of the others that only apply to the rich. A flat tax is find as long as we don't tax our own taxes. It makes no sense to tax welfare and only creates more paperwork.

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