Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Only New Cars Allowed - With Chips

Here is a nice little news story for you.

Fox News - Paris mayor looks to ban old cars from city

It is all about limiting and monitoring movement. How many times do I have to say it? Older cars did not have gps chips in them, all of the newer ones do. Remember the old Cash for Clunkers car trade as part of the stimulus? Did you know or ever wonder why Russia had a program that was almost identical at the same time? The press called it Rubles for Wrecks. Make sure everyone has a newer car. Even if your car does not have a GPS display, it still has the traceable GPS chip that can be read and tracked.

Just in case you might think this is about the environment, it isn't. If it was about the environment then you would smog check and require catalytic converters. And lets face it, people that own very expensive older cars are going to be able to keep using their cars so long as they pay some sort of carbon tax.

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