Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Something to watch and General David Petraeus

I know, I have been lax in my writing. I am going to be off for a few days and want to rest. I will be much better next week. In the meantime somethings for you to watch.

Security Camera Video Captures Good Too


I considered writing about General David Petraeus. The whole thing is just ridiculous from the outside; but, there is much more about all of this that they are not telling. The guy was in charge of the CIA, don't you think he was being watched by other nations? Do you think he did not know that the FBI could find his little e-mail drop box, heck the CIA uses the same techniques. The technique is used by terrorists and the CIA breaks into their accounts.

So lets review. Some character makes a movie called Desert Warriors, after making the movie he changes the name to "The Innocence of Bin Laden", he shows the movie for one night in Los Angeles to the outrage of a Jewish gadfly. The gadfly raises a big stink at the City Council (there is a previous post on this that goes into detail). Two LAPD officers go to the showing and even talk to the Producer. The title of the movie is changed to "The Innocence of the Muslims", except it is not a movie. It is a fifteen minute piece of nonsense and makes fun of Mohammed. That is the first bit and it is stupid. Oh, I forgot and the producer is arrested for violating his parole for using the internet? Huh? And of course we never see a good picture of him and nobody knows where he is.

Second part, a U.S. Ambassador is killed in Libya supposedly by the Libyans; but, in fact he is loved by the Libyans and considered a hero. It just keeps getting better because it turns out that the Embassy had called for assistance from CIA operatives in the area and it is denied. Hmmm. This too, Hillary Clinton and Obama blame all of this on the movie; but, it later turns out that the attack was planned in advance of the movie supposedly making Muslims unhappy.

Third part. General David Petraeus is forced to resign because of an affair. The head of the CIA. He doesn't argue the point, he doesn't bother keeping his job. Another question, why was a military officer in charge of the CIA? The first three months he had the job he was still active military. He retired from the military and remained in charge of the CIA. An officer can get removed for having an affair; but, he was no longer in the military, he was a civilian.

Just some guesses here. General David Petraeus an active General was put in charge of the CIA a civilian intelligence agency. Why? That means for a few months, the CIA was under the military as the Generals oaths and requirements were still in effect. Was this a case of marital law? Does any of this make any sense, cause it does not to me.

Usually the media is pretty good about lying; but, not with this story. Either they want you to think there is more going on or they didn't get their story straight in advance and are winging it. Bill Clinton had an affair and didn't quit. The General was friends with the media. How come there were not a bunch articles talking about how we shouldn't force everyone that has had an affair to quite their job?

It also turns out that there is a video of the other woman, Ms. Broadwell, saying that the attack in Libya may have been because of a secret prison there. This all supposedly came up because of "threatening" emails that Broadwell supposedly sent to another woman who was not having an affair with Petraeus. Oh, and Broadwell also apparently had confidential documents in her possession. The person that Broadwell supposedly threatened is refusing to talk.

This story stinks of baloney from the beginning to the end. None of it rings true.

YouTube - Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking

Now here is something that you probably did not know. The FBI would not have released the information regarding the General's affair. It is not a crime. There are rules to the game kids. I just had to think about it for a bit. The FBI is allowed to monitor many people for the security of the nation. There are limits on what things are actionable. Lets say you have a top secret clearance, if the FBI finds out that you are cheating on your spouse, they are NOT allowed to tell your spouse. It is against the law for them to reveal that information so long as it was not part of a crime, lets say sleeping with an enemy agent.

Here is something else funny. It has been reported that Ms. Broadwell had sought $80 million for brokering a deal in South Korea and that she had intended to move to Los Angeles and run for office. The same city that showed the original film, The Innocence of Bin Laden".

Lets get back to Broadwell, the other woman, for a moment. This is not some idiot, she has her Masters and worked with the FBI anti-terrorism unit. She has been married since 1996 and there is no indication that she is getting divorced. It does not appear that the general is getting divorced either, his wife has talked about how it has been hard on her husband and how she has barely seen him since the war began. Do you smell the coverup yet?

I am very proud to say that one of the people I mentored saw through all this garbage immediately, doesn't know the answer; but, can smell the garbage. My guess, the General was told it was time to go. They chose this as the excuse; but, the real question is what was the real reason. If he were truly guilty of giving away secret documents then he would be charged on treason. That is if they did not decide he needed a good heart attack or accident.

You do not put an active military officer in charge of a civilian intelligence agency. It is a conflict of interests. I have known people in these agencies, I know how they operate. The CIA would never allow the military to take over the civilian intelligence agencies and neither would the FBI. Let us hope that the military did not attempt to control the CIA, that would be bad for them and the Constitution allows the U.S. Marshall's to control military.

The United States Constitution creates the Unites States Marshalls. They are the only legal law enforcement agency in the country, they cannot be changed without the changing the constitution and that hasn't happened. Here is a good question, while still being a General and the head of the CIA, was he receiving two checks or just the one for being a general. LOL. I bet you he was just getting one, who he got it from tells you who he reported to, follow the money.

The question now becomes what the heck is going on in Washington and why. Why is all of this going on after the election? The military are a necessary evil, the brutes that you use when diplomacy has failed. Their job is to attack and kill whoever they are told. The intelligence agencies are different, they have a different role. They are the warriors of the old cold war and are very smart, they have contingency plans for everything and many experts. They are not about war, they are about understanding.

I gave a sermon last Saturday on sex and deceit. Sort of co-exists with this post. LOL. Wherever you find corruption, you find sexual immorality. Have a great Thanksgiving, hope yo enjoyed the post even if I don't have all the answers today.

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