Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cover-up in England

Yesterday I was reading the news from England, I bookmarked the pages so I could write about it later. It was going to be a long post and I had a lot to research before writing it. It was going to be on how situations and the media are used to muddy the waters and keep people from going to justice if they are rich enough and powerful enough. Today they proven me write in the manner I expected.

The BBC is government owned television and radio. It is very near and dear to the English people. One of its most popular celebrities was a man named Jimmy Saville (I have seen it spelled with both one and two ls. Mr. Saville had a show called "Jim'll fix it" where he fulfilled kids wishes in some manner. I wrote about him recenlty; but, will repeat things to make a point about the media.

Mr. Saville died and over 300 allegations of child molestation were made about him. In addition, things he wrote and said took on a new meaning and many people who knew came forward saying that it was commonly known that Mr. Saville was a pedophile. It also turns out that he had complete access to homes that cared for children and even a room at a couple of them and the keys to the buildings. Some of the people who allege that he molested them were from those places.

Mr. Saville was good friends with the royal family and the powerful in England. He was even given a title, he was made Sir Jimmy Saville. A group at the BBC made a documentary about Mr. Savile in which they went into how Mr. Savile was child molester. At the last minute the documentary was pulled, it would not be shown; however the BBC did broadcast a show honoring him.

It came out that the documentary had been pulled and the allegations came out. The media immediately tried to steer the conversation to the issue of what the BBC did and away from the people that Mr. Savile supplied children to. But, it wasn't working and people were investigating what Savile did. Another televsion station aired their own documentary on Mr. Savile's pedophilia.

It didn't take long to get more damning statements against Mr. Savile. All the stuff about the group that he had improper access to, the fact that he had been investigated for such things back in the 90s. Those cases just sort of went away and he was allowed to continue. Mr. Savile bragged that he was untouchable and could do whatever he wanted.

Now Mr. Savile even organized parties for the Royal Family. It also came out that others were involved and that some were politicians. Oddly enough this was not the direction the media wished to go. The British then arrested a couple of old celebrities, one was a known pedophile and the other went on television professing his innocence and saying how he had never even been in Mr. Savile's dressing room. He explained how the whole thing was killing him. Both were released and they were the only people arrested, no politicians.

Now in England they do not name names while a case is being investigated, they have a different set of legal rules. There was however a man that came forward and said that one of his molesters was high up in Thatcher administration. When that happened people started looking a little deeper at their politicians, judges, police and the whole system. Over the years their had been a number of scandals involving pedophilia at certain state run bording facilities, the places where they kept troubled and in need youths.

The investigation kept heading back to who the people were that Mr. Savile was supplying children to. It was pointed out that although he had not worked in quite a while, he had lots of money and houses. Anyways, this man that had been molested and said that it was a high up person in the Thatcher administration got people looking to determine who it was he was talking about. Neither the BBC nor the boy ever publicly said who it was and neither did the police.

This when the media stepped into high gear to get people to believe that nobody in the government was involved. The British Primer Minister went on television and said that they were doing all they could, they were conducting multiple investigations all at the same time. They had investigations on all these group homes, on the BBC and well, they were going to investigate just about anything they could. Basically focus on everything, spread their investigators too thin and at the same time he started to imply that the whole things could turn into a witch hunt and he didn't want that. NO, he wanted it to appear to be a witch hunt because then nobody would believe anything that came out.

While on the show, the interviewer said that he had spent 3 minutes on the internet and had a list of names of suspected pedophiles in the government and handed it to the Prime Minister on air. Again, the media jumped on the meaningless and tried to make the story of the day about how this interviewer had possibly violated the law if the note had been seen by the television viewers (again you can get in a lot of trouble in England naming names prior to the arrest). It was a beautiful piece of theater.

The other point the Prime Minister was trying to make was that he didn't want the investigation into the politicians to be an attack on gays. I guess I should discuss how I came across this all. There is a man named David Icke, he claims that alien reptilians rule this earth. He also made a lot of predictions about how things were run that turned out to be correct. 20 years ago, Mr. Icke who had been a broadcaster for the BBC had said that both Mr. Heath (famous politician) and Mr. Savile were pedophiles.

There are a number of websites that list alternative news that I read, I just don't link to them, I will independently find the same information from more reliable and accepted sources. When this all broke Mr. Icke began reminding people of what he said in the past. At the same time others were continuing to come forth and mentioning politicians. This video hit me in the head yesterday.

YouTube - CARE HOME ABUSE VICTIM -Tells of Sex Parties "Exclusive Personal Interview" DOCUMENTARY

The whole thing sounded just like the scandal and cover-up that happened in Omaha, Nebraska involving Boys Town, politicians and pedophiles. They made a documentary about that there was pulled the day before it was to be shown on television.

YouTube - Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up - Censored Documentary!

The way to kill a story is to sensationalize the parts of it that you don't care about and keep the focus away from the real issues. In this case the real issues are who was Mr. Savile supply children to and which politicians used these children.

Back to the interview with the Prime Minister. He makes a big deal about saying that the investigation should not be some anti-homosexual thing; but, it never was. Mr. Savile liked little girls and the issue should have remained focused on pedophilia regardless if the people were straight or not. It was another attempt at misleading people and it wasn't enough.

Back to the man who reported how he had been molested by the high ranking person in the Thatcher government. People were wondering; but, nobody was saying and then Lord McAlpine a former high ranking official came out and said that it wasn't him and that he would take legal action against those who accused him. Problem is, neither the BBC or the witness ever publicly accused him of anything. The man who was talking in fact said that it was not Lord McAlpine publicly.

How convenient that someone who has not been accused tries to make it look like he has. Makes it all look kind of funny to those who don't read the whole articles. What gets interesting is how this is all portrayed in the media. Articles now say that the reports of politicians being pedophiles is false; they say that the mans allegations were false; but, he did not allege and the BBC did not report that it was Lord Alpine, the allegations of a high ranking politician being involved have yet to be fully investigated and they are not of Lord McAlpine as far as we know,

The media in England is actively engaged in attempting to confuse the issues and apparently protect some important people. In order to further create smoke, the head of the BBC resigns and apologizes for allowing these false accusations to be broadcast. Huh? They were not.

Well, when I saw that the head of the BBC had resigned and that the media was making all attempts to misstate what had occurred, I was not surprised at all. I kind of expected it and was going to say so yesterday; but, I never finished the post. I am going to post a link to the article on Mr. Icke's site from today. He sees it all as a sham also.

Is it only me??

What can we expect next, I suggest unexplained deaths with at least one being of an ex-politician who commits suicide. Perhaps they will confirm that is the person who abused the witness. It all depends on how the republic responds to the non-sense they are being told now.

What will be forgotten is that Mr. Savile supplied numerous people with children to abuse. That is how these things always go when the rich and powerful are accused of being involved with pedophile rings.

Hopefully the British public will not lose their focus and will insist upon fully investigating the claims from the Savile case. That is where the proof lies and it will lead back to those in power.


England has had all of these problems with pedophiles at their government run group homes and yet in the midst of the current scandal, the Mail Online reports that Teaching union calls for porn lessons on national curriculum amid fears children as young as 11 are addicted to adult websites

The Newspaper basically states that you have two choices, filter the internet and require adults to opt in to view porn or have your kids taught about porn. What do you think those lessons will be like. I have a guess. You cannot show the kids porn so you show nudes and explain why they are not pornography. Old paintings, nude statues, provocative advertising and pictures. Take them right to the line of what is not considered pornography.


Well, once I finished the last update there were some interesting new developments aimed at directing the course of the discussion away from the people Mr. Savile provided children to. A 70 year old man has just been arrested in connection with the case. Here is your fall guy. There is an old saying in chess, when in doubt, kick a pawn. It means that you give unimportant to protect the more important. The other story being pushed today is about a friend of Mr. Savile's who is devastated by Mr. Savile's pedophilia and he telling how Mr. Savile had introduced him to one of the most famous serial killers in English history.


It turns out that the 75 year old man they arrested was one of the people on the ITV documentary who said that he found Mr. Savile in bed with a girl about 12 to 14. That sounds about right, arrest the witnesses who helped expose Mr. Savile.

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