Monday, December 24, 2012

A Passing

My ex-wife apparently had a dream. She had a dream about the mother of someone I grew up with. I knew her as a baby, her family and my family were very tight. Our fathers even went into business together. Her father played music at my wedding. She married someone famous and my wife got to meet her.

Anyways, one of my children told me that after dreaming about my friends mother, she searched on her and found out that my friend had died. I looked it up online and in fact it said that the young lady had died. It happened a little while ago and I had not heard about it.

I have been busy and time passes quickly. I had not checked up on her in a bit and was actually considering contacting her through their secretary. They invited me to one of his shows once and I attended. Afterwards we and the entourage went to dinner together. I only really wanted to talk to her and her mother. I don't claim to have gotten to know the husband, he was pleasant enough; but, not very engaging outside of his circle and I was good with that.

I remember this young lady as 6 years old, she was cute and fun. We had many good times together. I am very sorry for her family friends. This young lady was 6 years younger than me. I am glad that my ex-wife passed on this information to me, it is best to know.

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