Friday, December 14, 2012

More Internet News

Wired - The Internet of Everything: Let’s Get This Right. A simple article calling for everything to be accessible. It calls for the end of privacy and constant monitoring of all human endeavor while having computers explain it all to us. It calls for a justification for doing what we are told and giving up free will and self definition in exchange for "winning".

Wired - Why We Fight to Keep Registered Sex Offenders Online. Here is the simplest answer, we cannot prevent anyone from using the internet if they need to use it to pay their bills. The article does not mention that; but, it is the truth. If we cannot keep pedophiles off the internet then we must be able to identify them and restrict what they can do on it. That will be the argument. The first people required to have individual internet identification will be pedophiles and then criminals and eventually all of us.

Wired - Internet Safe From Globalized Censorship as UN Treaty Fails. The American representative said that restrictions to the internet must be determined by all people. Sounds pretty good; but, why should the international society be allowed to determine how I may use the internet in my country or in my house. There is no legitimacy to international governance. We as a world would need to agree on that first.

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