Thursday, December 13, 2012

Spies, spies and the military.

I previously wrote about General Patreaus and the military's attempt to take over the CIA, didn't go to well for him did it? ROFL. I then provided my readers with an article about how the military wanted to create it's own CIA called the DIA. This article from Wired is all over that, they act as if this agency has been around for ever and is forward thinking. Wired - SpyPhone: Pentagon Spooks Want New Tools for Mobile ‘Exploitation’. Imagine having a military with information that the CIA and FBI did not have, that is dangerous.

Here is another article from Wired that complains that the FCC is being hindered from doing their job of giving us all WiFi because of the big bad cellphone service providers. Wired - It’s Time to Fix the Pitifully Slow, Expensive Internet Access in the U.S.. This is really just propaganda by them, I have previously written about how the FCC is attempting to take over local right of ways, this is just another piece of the same baloney. Wave bye bye to local rights.

Wired - Attorney General Secretly Granted Gov. Ability to Develop and Store Dossiers on Innocent Americans. The article mentions how the government will take information from all of it's databases to compile information on everyone in them. Hmmm, taxes, social security, travel, purchases, what information will they not have?

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