Saturday, December 22, 2012

We Are Still Here and it is the 22nd

There is a town in Europe that they said was going to be the only safe place when the world ended, pushed it all over the news. Only one person showed up and over 200 reporters. Nobody really believed the world was going to end, that was all made up by the media. The question is why?

Now what did happen? Well, the stock market took a hit and the bond markets took a hit. Nothing catastrophic; but, substantial. There is no asteroid headed for earth that we are aware of, solar storms are still a possibility throughout 2013 according to Nasa, there is always the possibility of a major earthquake or volcano; but, what is very real is that our economy is really in danger, that one hasn't gone away.

There are very real dangers our there; but, the media chooses to spend more time ridiculing silly beliefs that nobody really believes rather than addressing the real underlying dangers that face our world. Starving children around the world were not worried about the world ending on December 21, 2012, they were worried about dying from starvation and yesterday tens of thousands did, others died from presentable diseases. For those people, it was the end of the world.

So today we will hear endlessly about how people who thought the world was going to end were just more nuts; but, nobody really thought it was going to end. What you are being taught is to only believe the "real" media.

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