Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just Some News On Coming Things

Happy 2013 to all. Some things to consider in the coming year.

NBC News - Foursquare will now show users' full names. We will continue to see more and more sites requiring people use their actual names. In California it is now illegal to require prospective employees give over their Facebook password. This means that only the information you wish to share with the world will be available to them.

The Sun - Satnav alarm if tagged paedo goes too close to a school. While this is happening in England, expect to see it come here. Oh, I hoped you noticed how in the article it stated that their probation department wants to track ALL on probation or community service using the same technology.

BBC - News and Technology - Virtual cash exchange becomes bank
. There is a make believe money called Bitcoin, its value is based on whatever people will pay for it while it is not backed by anything. It is a black market international currency. Now, it will have it's own banks.

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