Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Transportation is More Important Than Guns

So the two biggest news stories right now, the ones that are really interesting people are guns and gay marriage. The conservatives have something to be passionate and stupid about and the liberals have the same, things to be passionate and irrational about. We will not see guns outlawed in the United States and we will see gay marriage. Something for everyone and completely missing the point. You are being distracted by things that will go exactly as I have said. At the same time, there is practically no reporting on the impending doom of the Euro, something that will impact you greatly.

While I was at work today I asked people what they knew about Cyprus and they didn't even know it was a country. I did not ask one or two people, I asked many. The most important story right now is what is going on in the Eurozone. Read my posts for the past week and read the links, then, check on what is going on today. This is important stuff. Tomorrow gays will still have sex with one another and people will still have their guns; but, if we see a bank run, we are in for a full blown depression. More people protested in France against Gay Marriage then protested about the economy and the French love a good protest.

Now here a couple of little news articles. Yahoo - Associated Press - Golden Gate Bridge to go to digital toll system. They have automated the toll system for the Golden Gate Bridge, this is wonderful, now we will need you to have a transponder on your car to pay, we will know when you go of and off the bridge and everywhere else you go; but, we will save money and get rid of those nasty civil servants.

Bloomberg - Miles-Driven Could Replace Gasoline Tax, LaTourette Says. I have written about this for years now, it is coming. Every mile you travel will be taxed if you use a car. Worry about your guns and worry about gay marriage; but, they are coming for your mobility and that limits what information you can pass on in person. It pushes you to use the internet to communicate and all internet traffic is monitored on some level.

The last little article is simply deceitful. Yahoo - CNBC - American Dream Is Back, So Are Stocks: CNBC Survey. It is just deceitful and willfully so. The economy is not better, the stock market is being inflates so that people will buy stock high and sell it low when the Euro implodes. If you do buy stock, hold on to it and wait for the market to recover. As for the housing market, it is horrible and it is going to get worse. They are not building homes for the marginal and people with good jobs are still buying, that is why the market is going up. It is because those who do have money are moving up.

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