Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bad Little Biometrics, I hate being right

There were a lot of people on alternative news sites that said that RFID chips had to be put in everyone as part of the health care reform bill (Obamacare); but, it just wasn't true. The bill did call for having a registry of any such devices that were in someone and also said that they might be used in people with Alzheimer's. There is a big difference between everyone and some people for specific reasons. Well, I read something in the alternative news; but, did not believe I was positive the source was accurate. As I went through the news later in the day, I found the same story in a reputable source. I consider WIRED to generally be pretty good on reporting on technology and it is quoted by all the major media sources.

Wired - Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform. The article says:

"David Bier, an analyst with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, agrees with the ACLU’s fears. “The most worrying aspect is that this creates a principle of permission basically to do certain activities and it can be used to restrict activities,” he said. “It’s like a national ID system without the card.”"

This has been apparent since the government passed the "Real ID" laws a few years back. The Wired article links to the actual bill. You can read the bill yourself. According to the article, your state ID will be sufficient to put you on the Federal database with your biometrics. They have mine, I wrote a post about when I got my new license and how they electronically scanned my thumb. They also took my picture, maybe that is why we don't have any blind cops, they wouldn't know if it was my ID. Okay, that was a bad joke. As Arlo Guthrie explained, justice may be blind and judges may be blind; but, cops are not. If you don't understand that reference, you have to listen to "Alice's Restaurant".

The biometrics will not be enough to achieve what they wish. We can make bio-metrically correct replicas of a face, we can duplicate your iris and we can duplicate your thumb print. Heck, we can duplicate any aspect of your body. We can even transplant faces, hands and eyes. Lets be truthful, we can clone you. There must be a technological solution. What would be acceptable? The law says that it is about identifying, positively people who get jobs, to assure that they are Americans. LOL. This is an Immigration law. In order to get a job, you will have to prove that you are you and that you are an American citizen. Do you not get the joke?

Conservatives are supposedly wanting to keep out Mexicans. Liberals are supposedly wanting to let them be citizens so that we can tax them. Both sides of the staged argument are hiding the real agenda. Why would anyone bother proving they were an illegal alien? Than makes no sense, so, we can only make people prove who they are, give up any sense of privacy of anonymity. Here is a question, if I get a face or hand transplant, would my face match the DNA of the donor or mine? I read an article not long ago, it was about taking a transplant from one person, lets say a heart, removing all the DNA instructions and replacing them with the DNA of the recipient. The reason appeared to be so that the living person could accept the transplant. To the best of my understanding.

Sorry, lost my train of thought; but, I will post the thought I did have.

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