Saturday, June 1, 2013

More Economic News and Concerns

I was fortunate enough to have dinner with two friends. They are a little older than me and I used to work for the husband. I really look up to them both because of how they live their lives. He gave me a document to read that someone put online that talked about some of the same things that I am seeing in the economy. What is even funnier is that just before I left for dinner I got a call from another friend who wanted to talk about where to keep his money. Beyond this blog a lot of people that know me personally know that what is going on today I have been saying was coming for quite a while. Warren Buffet talked about it in his letters and tried to get businesses to understand that they have to be well run places which care about their product and are seeking long term growth. He said that because we don't follow these principles we were going to see a decline in America.

As I have said for one or two weeks now, there is something that has turned. I don't know exactly what it was; but, it is what is causing the market volatility and we are headed for real problems and I think soon. The date to watch the stock market is June 21st, that is the triple witching hour on wall street. I haven't wanted to commit to a date and still won't; but, I read something today that would lead me to believe the date is due.

The Business Insider - THE HINDENBURG OMEN HAS APPEARED. I don't follow charts or trend formulas when I look at the stock market because I know the market is manipulated. Still, it is worth reading. According to the author there is a trading pattern that means that if you see it you should be in a full fledged market crash within 30 days. Apparently the indications manifested themselves on May 29th.

My belief that we were going to enter a deep recession (were not supposed to call it a depression) was partly due to the fact that we had a inverted yield curve. Boy, I haven't talked about that in awhile and you can look it up on Wikipedia. There are certain indicators that are leading indicators and it sounds as if this "Hindenburg Omen" is one of those. Well, If the article is correct then that June date is looking like the time when it would happen.

Now for some history. When the market crashed a few years ago there were some interesting things that happened. The most important one is that during the one hour of the crash hedge funds bought 75% of all the Treasury Bonds and banks bought 25%, this is the exact opposite of what traditionally happens. You may also remember that the computers did not track trades during that hour.

Yahoo - Reuters - NYSE asks SEC to reinstate volatility curbs. I guess others are expecting extreme volatility.

Reuters - Major Japan banks' JGB holdings plunge in April - BOJ. Basically, the Japanese banks are owning less of the nations Treasury bonds.

CNBC - Stocks close with big drop; Dow tumbles 200 points on uncertainties. Today another swing.

Yahoo - Crash, Correction or Pullback: What Follows a Seven Month Rally?. Another article on how the market is acting strangely.

Yahoo - Reuters - Digital currency firms rush to adopt anti-money laundering rules. Before the governments get into digital currencies, they want private enterprise to pay for proving how it should be done correctly.

Intellihub - Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works. Increasing the chatter about global taxation.

Mail Online - The hi-tech tattoo that could replace ALL your passwords: Motorola reveals plans for ink and even pills to identify us. Wait, wait, wait, okay say it. Yes, I have been saying this would come for a long time.

Well, that is a lot of stuff for you to read and listen to. I wish to say that this blog now has more hits per month than it ever has. I don't think the Drudge Report is shaking in it's boots; but, it sure gives me a reason to keep writing. I hope when the currencies crash that this blog sort of shows how and why we are the state we are in. I hope people go back and point to what I have said and ask the simple question, how come nobody else talked some of these things. Why isn't anyone talking about The Chicago Plan Revisited that the IMF published, why isn't anyone talking about the agreement between the FDIC and Bank of England? The Mainstream media doesn't talk about it because their companies owners have inside knowledge and benefit from it. The "alternative" media like Alex Jones, David Icke and even Peter Schiff doesn't talk about it because they have something to sell. I have nothing to sell and don't want to sell anything or even have advertisements on my blog.

You have to be very careful of anyone who writes because they have an economic stake in it, it tends to cause them to either manipulate their readers or attempt to cause to overexcite them to increase viewership. Look, everything is going to be okay, it is going to be what it is going to be. Oh, by the way, the Bildergerg meeting is June 6th to the 9th. We are passengers on this ship and don't have any control over where the ship is going. Enjoy the trip as best you can.


I forgot to post this video from CNBC of another Wall Street expert saying that something is not right. 90 Seconds with Art Cashin: Volume & Volatility. I have said that I may not have the timing right; but, there sure are a lot of people implying that it is soon and June seems to be the time.

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