Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bad Technology and Bad Economic News

Huffington Post - FERC Accuses JPMorgan Chase Of Manipulating Electricity Market. Just assume every market is rigged.

PhysOrg - Human hybrids: a closer look at the theory and evidence. There is a pig-chimp hybrid theory, that the two species interbred at some point long ago. It is non-sense and nobody has been able to replicate it. The real story here is that we can make hybrids using genetic manipulation using science now.

Natural News - Bank of America whistleblowers say they were told to lie about mortgages. The thing to remember is that these banks were denying refinancing on loans that the were processing for the Federal Government (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac which own 80% of all the loans) because they made money for processing them more than if they refinanced them.

Yahoo - Reuters - Barclays seeks $9 billion from shareholders to appease regulator

Yahoo - DailyFX - Aussie, Euro, Sterling, and US Dollar Primed for Big Moves This Week.

Yahoo - Reuters - Obama to propose 'grand bargain'. Basically, the President is saying we will cut the corporate tax rate if they promise to create jobs.

The Telegraph - Apple's new iPhone 'has fingerprint sensor'. Heck, wrote about when they bought the company that lets them do this. This is not news; but, just the direction we are going in.

Fox News - Mercedes-Benz integrating Google Glass into its cars.

Activist Post - DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome. The article has links to the information. The government has sent out a request for bids for people to find ways to add genes to humans. It is coming.

US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health - Refined human artificial chromosome vectors for gene therapy and animal transgenesis

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